27 November 2004 Ahmadi Family Expelled From Jamaat
According to an
article published
on Ahmedi.org, several members of a famous and very sincere Ahmadi family
have been expelled from the Jamaat. The announcement was made and circulated
to all the Jamaats in Canada on 12 November 2004. About 10 or 13 members of
this family were expelled from the Jamaat, among them children some as young
as toddlers. For reasons unknown Mirza Manzoor Ahmad was not amongst those
who were expelled (probably he gives his chanda regularly).
Mirza Manzoor Ahmad lives in Edmonton, Canada and belongs
to a very devoted Ahmadi family. His elder brother Mirza Maqsood Ahmad had
been the Ameer of Peshawar Jamaat and another brother was Ameer of Nawshera
The reason for expulsion: Grand daughter of Mirza Manzoor
Ahmad left the Jamaat and got married to a Muslim youth. The marriage
function was boycotted by the whole family (presumably due to the pressure
from Jamaat) In July this girl celebrated her marriage in Calgary, which was
attended by her family as well as the family of her husband. As is the
custom, girls sang marriage songs and danced in this gathering. Among those
who danced were the sister of the bride, who also happens to be the daughter
in law of Commander Aslam, secretary of notorious Nasim Mahdi, the Ameer of
Ahmadiyya Jamaat Canada. Several attendees of this gathering were expelled
but neither Mirza Manzoor Ahmad nor the daughter in law of Commander Aslam
were among them.
Questions that were raised by Ahmedi.org are genuine and
are reproduced here for readers:
Why were all the attendees not expelled by the
When Ahmadis insist that they are Muslims, then why
should some followers of their Jamaat be punished for inter-marrying and
inter-mixing with non-Ahmadi Muslims?
Is this not the height of hatred that they hate
someone simply because they do not believe in Mirza Ghulam, even though
they believe in Allah, His Beloved Prophet Muhammad SAAW and Quran?
Is Ahmadiyya Cult not engaged in spreading hatred by
such attitude? Is this Jamaat not suppressing the basic human rights and
stifling the emotions of their followers?
This is the Jamaat whose slogan is
'Love for All, Hatred for None',
how hollow it sounds!!!
13 November 2004
News About Shaikh Raheel Ahmad of Germany
At 6.30 pm UAE time on 13 November 2004, I spoke to
Shaikh Raheel Ahmad over the phone for more than half hours, discussing his
health, his plans for Eid and his future plans for his awareness campaign to
expose the lies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani. He told me that doctors are
still keeping him in the hospital for some tests, that last week they
allowed him to go home for a day; tomorrow he will go home to spend the last
Iftar of this Ramadhan with his family and that he will be spending the
whole day of Eid with his family. He also told me of his forth coming
article entitled: Mirza UNT SHUNT - article based on writings of Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad which have no head or tail, no menaing.
In the October 2004 issue of Ahmadiiya Gazzette Online
Issue Number 4 of Ahmedi.org, on page 2 letter of an Ahmadi has been
published which typically portrays the mentality of Ahmadi followers with
regards to those who have denounced Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his
Jamaat Ahmadiyya. Following is the image of that page:

This Ahmadi says:
"There is an inspiration of Hazrat Maseeh Mowood (Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani Saheb) that: 'All those who are trying to
humiliate you and are after you to fail and thinking to annihilate you,
they will fail themselves', Now Shaikh Raheel who is swearing
against Hazrat Saheb, its punishment Allah has given him in this world
in his lifetime and made him an admonishing sign. Ahmedi.org if you have
the courage and what you say that you will expose the liar is true, then
publish this letter of mine without any editing so that the world will
know what is the end of those who oppose the true Promised Messiah. Go
and see that in the city of Islamabad in Pakistan,
how Raheel is lying paralysed,
like Dowie (one of the opponents of Mirza Ghulam) is unable even to move
his arms and legs. He slandered the Promised Messiah and God took
him to that land to humiliate him where he slandered His Messiah. Now
Shaikh Raheel will be an admonishing sign. People of our Jamaat have
visited him the hospital in Islamabad,
he can neither walk nor can he
talk with his tongue that
used to move against the beloved of Allah. Publish this letter of
mine so that the world knows what is the outcome of opposing the Mahdi
and Messiah. One day you will face the Fana..... One Ahmadi."
In a nutshell what this Ahmadi is saying that because
Shaikh Raheel Ahmad has left the Jamaat, has denounced Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiani and Jamaat Ahmadiyya and has been openly campaigning to expose the
fraud of Mirza Ghulam in the name of Islam, therefore Allah has punished him
by paralysing him completely and he cannot even talk.
First of all, health and sickness, life and death is part
of natural processes of life, but it seems that Jamaat Ahmadiyya and its
gullible followers, in their desperate attempt to convince themselves take
these things as signs of their truthfulness. However very conveniently and
deliberately they forget the death of miserable death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Qadiani and other prominent members of their Jamaat including their second
Khalifa and son of Mirza Ghulam, Mirza Mahmud.
Another factor worth noting in this email is how they are
blatantly lying. Shaikh Raheel by the Grace of Allah is up and about, he is
talking and he is in good spirits.
I think it is obvious that Ahmadis are desperately trying
to believe that Shaikh Raheel, and therefore the entire Ummat-e-Muslimah is
wrong and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani is right........Alas this dream will
never come true. I hope that the followers of Ahmadiyya will open their eyes
and try to read the writing on the wall.
Wassaalam on those who follow the hidayah
Dr. Rashid
23 July, 2004
Entire Village Denounced Ahmadiyyat/Qadianiyat and
Embraced Islam
Champaran, India (Special Correspondent): All residents
of the village Tirapur in the Eastern District Champaran of Indian Province
of Bihar have denounced Ahmadiyyat and embraced Islam. Relating the details
of this incident, local religious leader Maulana Mohammed Nur-ul-Imam said
that a large majority of Muslims used to reside in the village of Tirapur,
who were all peasants. Frequent floods had made their life very difficult.
Taking advantage of their poverty, Qadiani muballighs (preachers) came here
and constructed a two story building as their center, inviting people to
come to this free religious education center. Simple-minded people got
trapped in their deception and all of them joined their ranks. Later when
Qadianis started showing their true colors and started quoting Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Qadiani's writings by the name of Promised Messiah, some Muslims got
suspicious. They contacted a nearby madrasah, and spoke to Maulana
Nur-ul-Imam, who was well versed with the false beliefs of Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad. When it was established that this two story building is working as a
Ahmadiyya center, a meeting of local scholars was called and during the
course of this meeting the true face of Ahmadiyyat was exposed in front of
the villagers. Villagers, after this enlightenment, embraced Islam and
denounced Ahmadiyyat. This revolution scared the Qadiani preachers, who
overnight disappeared from the village. At present this building is lying
deserted, but its sight has become of source of inspiration for the people
of this village and their belief in the finality of Holy Prophet Muhammad
SAAW and the need to protect it is increasing with the passage of time.
(Weekly Khatm-e-Nabuwwat, Karachi
Pakistan, p. 23, vol.23 issue no. 9, dated 23 - 29 July 2004)
7th March 2004:
Two Musleh Mowood!
According to a news item of Daily Ummat from Karachi,
dated 7th March 2004, a new claimant from the Jamaat Ahmadiyya has come
forward. Mirza Abdul Ghaffar Janba is a follower of Qadiani Jamaat
Ahmadiyya, residing in Germany. He has claimed that the successor mentioned
in various prophecies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, the founder of Ahmadiyya
Movement, is not Mirza Basheeruddin Mehmud, son of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani
and the 2nd Khalifa, but himself. He says that God has told him that he
is the real successor and Musleh Mowood (Promised Reformer) and has offered
a reward of 1 million rupees to anyone who would prove his claim to be
false. He had written many letters to Mirza Tahir, the 4th Khalifa, and
took his advice on this issue presenting his own point of view and conclusion
in the form of a book. Mirza Tahir had however dismissed his claims. Abdul
Ghaffar Janba was born in Pakistan and recieved his formal education in
Rabwa. He is now settled in Germany. Since the demise of Mirza Tahir, Mirza
Abdul Ghaffar has writted to the new Khalifa, Mirza Masroor, but so far
no official response has been given. It is learnt that his dissent has
created lot of problems for the Qadiani leadership. Abdul Ghaffar Janba
has created a website as well http://www.alghulam.com
and his detailed interview has been published at www.ahmedi.org.
A new service of Anti Ahmadiyya
Movement in Islam. Updated Periodically.
Last updated: 29th Septemebr 2004