Anti Ahmadiyya
Movement in Islam
Oct 1997 - 13th Oct 1997
Assalamu-Alaikum (Peace be Unto you), This is a reply to the person
who said that if Ahmadiyyats are wrong then how come there are over 10
million people following it. If this is an answer, then explain to me the
Christians and Jews. There is also millions and thousands of them. Which
your logic that also means that they too are corrects. But this is wrong.
Muhammad (pbuh) is the SEAL and LAST prophet and messeger of Allah. Aqouli-qouli
hada wa astakfurallah.
Ibn Abdullah <>
unknown, uk unknown - Monday, October 13, 1997 at 00:36:20 (EDT)
Why you all non-ahmadies have pain in your private place that keeping
bothering ahmadies, look yourself in miror so -called muslims. First solve
your own problems, and tell us as ahmadies muslim that who is muslim among
you people. do not just say "kan chitta, kan chitta, kan chitta, kan chitta,
proof us man! one is shia, another is sunni, another one is wahabi and
then various sects among themselves. My advice to you all is this, that
sit together, talk and decide who is muslim among you and then you stand
against ahmadiyya movement in Islam. And DR. Rashid you better start your
medical prectice again if you are humens' doctor or if a doctor anway!
because talk about religion is not what you deserve, you deserve much better!!
so please stop this business, we know that Arab kings give you lots to
clean their BUTT!!!
Mohammed Ali-from Qadian <<>>
Halifax, - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 23:39:17 (EDT)
Why you all non-ahmadies have pain in your private place that keeping
bothering ahmadies, look yourself in miror so -called muslims. First solve
your own problems, and tell us as ahmadies muslim that who is muslim among
you people. do not just say "kan chitta, kan chitta, kan chitta, kan chitta,
proof us man! one is shia, another is sunni, another one is wahabi and
then various sects among themselves. My advice to you all is this, that
sit together, talk and decide who is muslim among you and then you stand
against ahmadiyya movement in Islam. And DR. Rashid you better start your
medical prectice again if you are humens' doctor or if a doctor anway!
because talk about religion is not what you deserve, you deserve much better!!
so please stop this business, we know that Arab kings give you lots to
clean their BUTT!!!
Mohammed Ali-from Qadian <<>>
Halifax, - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 23:37:53 (EDT)
Mr. Hassan: You allege that Ahmadis are coming to Canada by bribing
Murabbis. It is by any standard an accusation. According to Quran you have
to bring proof or be subjected to punishment. Whether you are an intelligence
agent or not, it does not matter. Quran does not excuse non-intelligence
agents from providing proof. As you say that Ahmadis have confessed but
they would not testify then all you have to do is to bring some people
whom the Ahmadis have similarly confessed. After all you are not the only
person whom Ahmadis trusted knowing that you are their opponent. Mr. Hasan
if you cant bring forth the proof then according to Quran you should ask
for forgiveness. This will save you from punishment on the day of judgement.
Now to another point. According to you Muslims did not listen to Khomeni
because he was a Shia. You think the advent of a Sunni Khomeni will change
the situation of the Muslim world. Would Shias listen to a Sunni Khoment
if the Sunnis did not listen to a Shia Khomeni? What about other sects
like Wahabis, Ismailis. Many Sunni sects have declared other suni sects
as Kafirs (Deobandis vs Brelvis). Mr. Hasan,you will have to wait till
the day of judgement to get a person of your choice. Regarding late Bhutto:
It was your Ziaul Haq who hanged him and according to your ulama Zia was
a pious Muslim, who had taken upon himself the task of exterminating Ahmadiyyat.
Further, you don't seem to like any body. According to you Turks are not
credible because the Turkish Army is the problem. Kings, amirs, Sheikhs
are bad because they are the tools of the Americans. Now Quran says that
the bad rulers are appointed if people are bad. If you believe in this
aya then surely Muslims are bad people. How long do you think Allah (SWA)
will wait to help change the fate of the umma? Last I repeat my earlier
request to you. Please give me the names of a few ulama whom you think
credible so that I could argue with you in a frame work agreeable to both
of us. Wassalam, best wisheVh
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
USA - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 13:09:11 (EDT)
Mr. Khalid Ismail: Inspite of the proofs I gave you you just keep
repeating your accusations. This is exactly what happened between Christians
of Najran and the Holy Prophet (SAS). I think we don't have to waste each
other's time. Jamaat Ahmadiyya has invited the opponents to Mubahla. You
pray to Allah (SWA) that He punishes the liar. I want to leave the matter
here. SalaaVh
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
usa - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 12:44:34 (EDT)
Mr. Khalid Ismail: Inspite of the proofs I gave you you just keep
repeating your accusations. This is exactly what happened between Christians
of Najran and the Holy Prophet (SAS). I think we don't have to waste each
other's time. Jamaat Ahmadiyya has invited the opponents to Mubahla. You
pray to Allah (SWA) that He punishes the liar. I want to leave the matter
here. SalaaVh
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
usa - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 12:44:33 (EDT)
Mr. Khalid Ismail: Inspite of the proofs I gave you you just keep
repeating your accusations. This is exactly what happened between Christians
of Najran and the Holy Prophet (SAS). I think we don't have to waste each
other's time. Jamaat Ahmadiyya has invited the opponents to Mubahla. You
pray to Allah (SWA) that He punishes the liar. I want to leave the matter
here. SalaaVh
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
usa - Sunday, October 12, 1997 at 12:40:31 (EDT)
Dear Qadianis/Ahmadis
Whenever Muslims are labeling you or your founder,
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a MUNAFIQ (HYPOCRITE), you say how can we read what
is in your hearts. Today I will tell you why Mirza Ghulam
There is a Hadith of Holy Prophet Muhammad
he says:
"If following four (habits) are found in a
person, then he is a PERFECT HYPOCRITE, and if one sign is found in a person,
then he has one sign of hypocrisy until he leaves it:
When he is entrusted (with something), HE EMBEZZLES;
When he talks, HE LIES;
When he promises, HE RENEGES ON IT;
When he quarrels, HE ABUSES." (Bukhari, Muslim)
Now if you
read the life of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, you will find the proofs of all four
He promised to write Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya in 50 volumes, took advance payment
for these volumes and then stopped publishing Braheen after 4 volumes.
5th volume came out 25 years later and in its preface he wrote:
"At first I had intended to write in 50 volumes,
but I was contended with writing 5 volumes and since the difference between
50 and 5 is a mere ZERO, my promise (of writing 50 volumes) is fulfilled
by writing 5 volumes." (Roohani Khazain
vol.21 p.9).
GRAND LIAR: He wrote in Kitab-ul-Bariyah
about his early life and gave names of teachers who taught him Quran, Hadith
etc. "At 10 years
of age an Arabic Teacher was appointed for me whose name was Fazal Ahmed
....and when I was 17-18 years of age I was taught by another Molvi Saheb,
whose name was Gul Ali Shah, who was appointed by my father in Qadian to
teach me
..When I was 6-7 years old, a persian teacher was employed for
me who taught me Holy Quran ....and his name was Fazal Ilahi."
(Roohani Khazain vol 13 p.180)
Then later on to prove his claim of being a Mahdi, he wrote
that Mahdi will be the person who will not have any teacher. He goes on
to swear upon God that no one can prove that anyone had taught him anything:
"Mahdi is not a student of anybody. I swear that
this is exactly my condition. Nobody can prove that any human has taught
me Quran." (Roohani Khazain vol 14 p.394)
ABUSIVE LANGUAGE: Just one example will
suffice here. Reacting to the criticism of one of his opponents, he said:
"O Low Caste! Khabees! Enemy of Allah and
Prophet! You have done this Jewish alteration in the (prophecy), so that
this Grand Miracle of Holy Prophet SAAW is hidden from this world .....your
lie O Worthless is exposed ......from which word did these Stupids understood
these meanings? O Morons! O Sightless! Disgrace to the Molviyat! ......especially
the head of the Dajjaleens, Abdul Haq Ghaznavi and his followers; Hundred
thousand times Shoes of Curses of Allah may fall upon them. O Dirty Dajjal!
Prophecy has been fulfilled but bigotry has blinded you."
(Zamima Anjam-e-Atham, Roohani Khazain vol 11 p.330)
Of course there are other scores of examples of
all these qualities of hypocrisy in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. These are all there
in his books for anyone who wants to see.
Wassalam to those who follow the right path.
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
Rashid <>
Dibba, UAE - Saturday, October 11, 1997 at
14:53:46 (EDT)
Abdul Aziz: So you will keep on producing twisted words to justify
the so-called three million conversions. First of all you guys launched
this towering claim and when we asked you that please present something
to back your claim. You say that go and hire the private detectives and
interview the whole world and verify. Very funny indeed why you and your
Bishop Mirza Tahir are afraid of not giving slightest details of these
conversions. Typical Mirza style argument ( Like in case of Athem he said
that Athem did not repented publicly but repented in his heart). Only arrogant
and ignorant qadianese can whole heartedly believe these sort of arguments.
You have not answered about Mirza's utmost loyalty with Brits. In your
belief he was a prophet not a political leader or religious leader or poet.
Brother Hassan did not used the correct word he used collaboration, It
should be political compromise. Different leaders had different approaches
to get the independence. Nationalist Muslims choose to go for united India
with greater autonomy for Muslim majority provinces. Other opted for separate
homeland. Every option did have its own merits and demerits. I will not
go into too much detail here. But none of these leaders went into the length
where Mirza did and please do not forget he claimed prophethood he was
not an ordinary leader. You don't have any sound reason to produce why
he went to that length and beside that many Muslim leaders of India gave
too many sacrifices which you never dare to mention. We honestly believe
Mirza was a true traitor who on surface was distracting the Muslims with
silly debates and under hand fully cooperating with the Brits to stabilise
their rule with a loyal jamaat. I almost read your entire homepage and
lot of other literature and even went through some volumes of Rohasni Khazains
and the only thing I found is twisted arguments for fake prophethood of
Mirza. Lot of Prophecies and silly debates. Event the speeches and sessions
of Bishop Mirza Tahir has mostly the dodgy stuff to justify Mirza's prophethood
and his Khalafat and he used lot of taunting and fitly words for Muslims
in General and for Pakistani Muslims in particular. Some times he stops
quite low (keep in mind that Qadiani women are also present in these sessions)
and produces low quality jokes and the audiences respond with hi hi hi.
Rather than a scholar he behaves like a bazari mullah and joker. Al-hum-du-lillah
my spiritual eyes are very much open and joker like Mirza Tahir cannot
make us fool. It is unfortunate like you who lost their faith to dodgy
mullah like him. Allah (swt) has closed doors of his house (Bait-Ullah)
for you like other Kafirs and you have to declare Mirza a Kafir to enter
into it and many munafiq qadiani do that even I know a few. What a curse
has descended on this cult ?
Khalid Ismail <<>>
New York, USA - Saturday, October 11, 1997
at 02:10:40 (EDT)
Ahmadis are not boasting about three million new Ahmadis. To us it
was given as a happy news by our Imam. We thank Allah (SWA) for this. We
also say astaghfar because Allah (SWA) directs in the sura NASR. However,
it is gentlemen like you who started accusing the Jamaat Ahmadiyya of lying.
Since you accuse us, if you are Muslim and believe in Quran then bring
the proof of our lie or go to a Muslim state and get caned. If you ask
us to bring proof than you are not following Quran. But it does not surprise
me. People like you have brought disgrace to Islam by ignoring Quran. Allama
Iqbal (not an Ahmadi) said so. As regards your mentioning Maulana Maudoodi,
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and Maulana Nanotavi, just read a comment below by
Mr Hasan (a nonAhmadi). They all collaborated with the British and the
Hindus. Regarding my soul: Mr Ismail, I thank Allah (SWA) a milion times
that he has shown me the light. I urge you to open your spiritual eye and
see the light of true Islam for yourself. Dont be afraid. Visit the web
page If you are on HAQ then you don't have to worry of
being misled. Wassalam.
Abdul Aziz <n.r.>
USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 14:50:12
Mr. Rumy: I gave you the reason why Priest Athim did not die according
to Mirza Sahib's prediction. He repented. I offered proof from Quran that
Allah (SWA) withholds his decree of punishment if people repent. I gave
you example, as stated in the Holy Quran, of Hazrat Yunus (AS). My question:
Do you beieve in the story of the people of Hazrar Yunus as given in Quran?
If your answer is yes then how can you blame Mirza Sahib in the Athim case.
As far as the story of Hazrat Umar (RA) killing a Muslim is concerned,
I better not get into argument with you. But many Muslim historians doubt
it. Aso please answer my question only. Leave out the blanket statement
like liar, kazib, munafiq for a latter day. Thanks.
Abdul Aziz <n.r.>
USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 14:37:31
Can i ask a question to non-ahmadies. You people call us Munafiq, and
the defination of munafiq according to RUMY goes over my head. I say Prophet
Mohammed was the last sharia prophet. You people say no ahmadi are laying,
because in their heart ahmadi believe that Mirza sahib is the shria prophet.
It showes me that you non-ahmadi knows whatever is in the heart of people.
RUMY gives many broken qutation of mirza sahib, not writting the whole
statement but the part. RUMY, khalid, and Hssan if I say your father is
not a real father of you, will you believe that??? If I say your mother
used to be heroin of hollywood will you believe that???? you should belive.
NOW you should not believe if i say your mother is humble lady, as a non-ahmadi
you should not believe that you mother is a humble lady, because this statement
is made by an ahmadi. Just one more question, if you think ahmadi do not
believe in prophet muhammed. Did you ever read a message from ahmadi using
language for the great & last prophet muhammed SAW as you all non-ahmadi
do for the Mirza sahib
AB <><>
unknown, - Friday, October 10, 1997 at 14:35:27
Khalid Ismail <<>>
New York, USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at
07:43:24 (EDT)
Mr Abdul Aziz: The only thing you keep on saying is that the three
million conversions is a truth and because you guys claim that therefore
everybody else should believe it. If you have oath of allegiance for three
million people on the hand of Bishop Mirza Tahir Qadiani. Then ask his
office to spend 10 minutes to prepare a list by city and country wise total
so we can confirm it. But you insist that we spend millions to find out
this hidden cult membership. So you admitted that British was conspiring
against Muslims of India (very True). Lets see what God says about this.
God himself instructs the believers to adopt the following attitude with
regard to tyrants and oppressors: 'And incline not to those who do wrong,
or the Fire will seize you: and ye have no protectors other than God: Nor
shall ye be helped' And the last Prophet(SAW) said 'The best Jihad is to
proclaim the word of truth in the face of tyrannical ruler'. Now keeping
in mind the above teaching of Allah and his last Messenger (SAW) lets see
what Mirza Ghulam Qadiani's attitude was towards these evil and oppressor
Brits. Lets examine a few of his statements. ' The greatest part of my
life has been spent supporting and defending the British Govt. And I have
written so many books regarding the prohibition of Jihad and obedience
to the British that were they to be gathered together, they would fill
fifty cupboards . Such books have disseminated over all the countries:
Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Kabul and Room. I have always endeavoured that Muslims
became true well-wishers of this Govt
. (Tiryaq-al-Qulub' p.15' At another
place , he makes allegiance to the British one of the two pillars of his
faith: 'My religion which I have been explaining again and again, is that
there are two parts of Islam: One, to obey the exalted Allah, and second,
to obey the Govt. which has established peace, and has provided its shadow
of protection as against oppression. Such a Govt is the British Govt. (Advertisement
in Shadat al-quran)' And I can provide you many of Mirza's this kind of
statements where he was praised and supported them to the helt. Now what
you think about Mirza ? wasn't he a true Munafiq and agent of Brits. If
you have 1% of truth left in your heart you should have clearly see him
as a true servant and obedient of Brits. But because you lost your faith
to them so the only thing you do is far fetch your meaningless argument
to protect them. If you don't want to be honest with us atleast be honest
with your soul.
Khalid Ismail <<>>
New York, USA - Friday, October 10, 1997 at
07:40:16 (EDT)
Mr Abdulaziz Qadiani! If I were a Qadiani I would be ashamed of being
Qadiani after knowing the Atham's story. It doesn't matter who was he.
What was he saying. Its 100% sure he was not supporting Islam as he was
Christian priest. But question is not this one. The thing is KAZIB MIRZA
has put the case in the court of ALLAH (SWA) who is no doubt the best JUSTICE.
Therefore ALLAH (SWA) has given the decision A MUNAFIQ is worse than a
Christian or a Jew or any other religious group priest. In our Deen Islam
Christians, Jews and people of book are socially and morally acceptable
while MUNAFIQ, MUSHRAK and KAZIB are not. MIRZA had all the three chracters
in him. Therefore having sympathies with Mirza is also MUNAFIQAT. (Its
not FATWA be sure Its commonsense) . I tell you one true story of Holy
Prophet's (PBUH) age. Once a Jew and a Muslim had a dispute between them,
theu couldn't resolve it mutually. So for decision they reached to Holy
Prophet's Court and requested justice. After listening the both sides Holy
Prophet (SAW) has given decision in favor of Jew . After leaving the Holy
Prophet's (SAW) court Muslim asked the Jew to go in the court of Hazzarat
Umar (RA). Jew accepted. When they reached there and Muslim asked justice
from Hazzarat Umar (RA) that Jew told Hazzarat Umar (RA) that "Your holy
prophet (SAW) had already decided the matter in favor of me." You know
What Hazzarat Umar (RA) did? He took his sword and removed the Muslim's
head as he was challenging the Holy Prophet's (SAW) decision. Here in case
of It is the decision of Almighty ALLAH (SWA). And you are making excuses,
Shame for you. Do you know What MUNAFIQ Mirza Ghulam A QAdiani Kazib said
" Hazzarat Muhammad's (PBUH) revelation also turned out to be false"( Roohani
Khazain vol 3 , Izala-e auham page 472) . As I told you early do not compare
Kazib Mirza with our true prophets(May God bless on them). They were real,
true messengers of God and Mirza Kazib was Mushrak, Munafiq and Kazib.
No Mr abdulaziz I am not twisting the words. I am telling you the truth
in very simple language and with full references. Its not fabricated material
May Allah give you Mirzai's Haddyat.
- Friday, October 10, 1997 at 02:09:00 (EDT)
Hussan, Algreatul mukazabul, munafaqul,jahalul stupatull, wahyatull,kaminatul:
wheather you are the great stupid person or rest of the so-called Islamic
world. are you people crazy man? stick on one statement.On one hand you
give credit to Islamic Ameers, Kings and shaikhs & on other hand you
call them ignorent. Is so-call Islamic kings are so foolish that they could
not understood what America wanted from them,but you know everything while
sitting in your home. Please do admit you people are, are and are big beggers.
Read poems of Iqbal and see how many time he had kissed Queen Victoria's
BUTT,( i promise i will give you an evidence if you tried to challange
me on this page, now better keep your mouth SHUT) I know you do not need
fake criest to awake up so-called muslims then please bring your real Criest
from sky, go to Pakistan & order for a latter in YOUR and only ONE
steel factory to built it. Anyway what you gona do to your criest, gona
kiss his ass,but that,s what you people are already doing to his followers,
Call your Jesus down man! tell him to give you people some more grant and
loan, if that,s what you call it( i call it SADQA) your mullans give examples
of holly prophet SAW that he pulled out Datte of SADQA from Huzret Hussain's
mouth but they never think that eating sadqa day and night, shame on you,
shame on you and shame on. but i am sure you won't be ashamed because if
you have little asham you people might not be standing naked in the middle
of intersection of JANE & FInch
Ali Qadiani (i,m from Qadian India) <<><>
Halifax, - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 23:01:40
Hussan, Algreatul mukazabul, munafaqul,jahalul stupatull, wahyatull,kaminatul:
wheather you are the great stupid person or rest of the so-called Islamic
world. are you people crazy man? stick on one statement.On one hand you
give credit to Islamic Ameers, Kings and shaikhs & on other hand you
call them ignorent. Is so-call Islamic kings are so foolish that they could
not understood what America wanted from them,but you know everything while
sitting in your home. Please do admit you people are, are and are big beggers.
Read poems of Iqbal and see how many time he had kissed Queen Victoria's
BUTT,( i promise i will give you an evidence if you tried to challange
me on this page, now better keep your mouth SHUT) I know you do not need
fake criest to awake up so-called muslims then please bring your real Criest
from sky, go to Pakistan & order for a latter in YOUR and only ONE
steel factory to built it. Anyway what you gona do to your criest, gona
kiss his ass,but that,s what you people are already doing to his followers,
Call your Jesus down man! tell him to give you people some more grant and
loan, if that,s what you call it( i call it SADQA) your mullans give examples
of holly prophet SAW that he pulled out Datte of SADQA from Huzret Hussain's
mouth but they never think that eating sadqa day and night, shame on you,
shame on you and shame on. but i am sure you won't be ashamed because if
you have little asham you people might not be standing naked in the middle
of intersection of JANE & FInch
Ali Qadiani (i,m from Qadian India) <<><>
Halifax, - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 23:00:49
Mr. Khalid Ismail: InshaAllah I shall answer your questions serially
so than none is left unanswered. (1). We, the Jamaat Ahmadiyya, have proof
that more than three million individuals acceped Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam,
in the year 1996 alone. Every one of them signed a form with address. The
forms are maintained by the Jamaat. You doubt this claim and accuse us
of lying. According to Quran it is your responsibility to prove that we
are lying. If you are unwilling to bring proof or fail to do so then under
Islamic law you should be subjected to caning. I suggested the funds could
be obtained by you from kings/sultans if you can't come up with money.
I also said that using a statistical method called 'random sampling' not
much money will be needed. However, the choice is yours. Either shut up
or put up. (2). Regarding the number of publications of Braheen e Ahmadiyya,
Mirza Sahib himself explained the situation. We Ahmadis feel fully satisfied.
His arguments are given at length in his writings. You don't understand
them because you have a mind-set against Mirza Sahib. (3). You say that
you don't see any light in the face of any Ahmadi. I am not surprised.
A blind man cannot see light. Your spiritual eye is dead. If you follow
the Holy Prophet's teachings, InshaAllah you will see the light. At this
time I can only pray for you.(4). You say that the debates between Mirza
Sahib and the christian priests were caused by the Brits. I agree with
you partially. British wanted to convert the whole Indian subcontinent
(Muslims, Hindus) to christianity to perpetuate their occupation. They
brought to India highly educated priests and opened mission houses. Many
Musims converted to christianity. One of them became even a priest. His
name was ImadudDin. In the whole of India a raucus was raised against Islam,
particuarly the personality of the Hoy Prophet. Book maligning him and
his wives were written. It was Mirza Sahib who stood up to face this challenge
on behalf of Islam and the Holy Prophet. Even the opponenets of Mirza Sahib,
i.e. nonAhmadi ulema applauded the efforts of Mirza Sahib to protect the
honor of Islam and the Priophet. (Vist the web site to
see the proof). (5). Lekhram was a hindu who particularly reviled against
the Prophet. Mirza Sahib challenged him and said,"If Lekho would not repent
and stop his attacks against my master, the Prophet of Islam, then he would
die soon and his death will clearly show that it was an act of God". Now
Mr. Khalid Ismail, Lekhram killed in the presence of his relatives and
nobody could find the killer. Did any nonAhmadi do any thing to stop Lekhram?
(6). Regarding Cento/Seato, you know that theses were political decisions.
Only one minister could not control the whole cabinet. Ahmadis could not
put Pakistan in the lap of Americans. You are interested in the American
lap. Look at the situation now. There is no Ahmadis in the cabinet. They
are politically weak people.You have destroyed their mosques, prohibited
them from saying,"There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger",
and removed all of them from high Government posts. Have you now come out
of the lap of the Americans. No. In fact the Americans are throwing you
out of their lap but you are begging them to keep you there. Look who receives
the Prime Minister of Pakistan when he visits Washington. But he still
keeps coming. At least this should tell you that your accusing Ahmadis
is nothing but a sham. You beg them for loans, grants, armaments. Ahmadis
have never begged for a single penny from any body. For them Allah is enough.
They sacrifice in the cause of Islam and Allah rewards them many fold.
Mr Ismail, your blanket statements unsupported by facts will not help the
Muslim world. I pray that Allah )SWA) opens every body's eyes. Ameen.
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 13:47:39
Z.A.Mirza Hi, Do you know the definition of MUNAFIQ (hypocrite) . MUNAFIQ
is a person , What he says he does not mean it. His faith and his claims
are contradictory. In other words his inner and outer are opposite. His
deeds and his words never supports each other. Now the readers will decide
who is MUNAFIQ. And when you people use the word "Our beloved Hazzarat
Muhammad(PBUH) " should we trust on it? A few days before your one Qadiani
brother Abdulaziz was saying on same guest book "We Ahmadis and Mirza Sahib
believe in the Aya on KHATAMANNABIYYEN. You (He means Muslims) don't."
And he didn't mention in what meanings Mirzai's believe in and we Muslims
don't. In this way he was deceiving the innocent readers. We Muslims take
the meanings what are actual meanings. That is HAZZARAT MUHAMMAD (PBUH)
is the last and final prophet. No prophet will come after Him (PBUH). And
you mirzai's believe in different meanings what you have perpetuated. "seal
of prophet hood" that some one can carry and claim prophethood etc. Totally
different meanings. Otherwise KAZIB Mirza Ghulam Qadiani says " HAZARAT
RASOOL-E-AKRAM (PBUH) is not the last and final messenger of God" (Roohani
Khazain Vol 3. Izala-e-Auham. Page 320). Same is your story . You use the
word "Our beloved master Hazzarat Muhammad SALLALA HO ALEHE WASSALAM" But
in fact your beloved is KAZIB Mirza Ghulam. for whom you are blaming (we
Muslims) as MUSHRAKEEN. Who is MUSHRAK I will tell you after, first let
me know who is your beloved one. Would you like to tell me how many times
KAZIB Mirza Gulam A Qadiani visited the Makkah and Madina? How much time
he passed in Madina at ROZA MUBBARAK? More over what sort of lover was
he? Your Kazib Mirza said " Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) misunderstood the meanings
of SURRAH ALZILZAL" (roohani khazain vol 3, Izal-e-auham page 166-167)
Do you know what is he saying here? At another place he said " Bait-ul-fikr
(room where kazib mirza used to sit and write books) is like HARAM-E-KA'ABA
and whoever enters it, is in peace." (roohani khazain vol 1, Braheen-e-ahmadiyya
page 666-667) . (Naooz billah) . Here this kazib is trying to supercede
the Hazzarat Muhammad (PBUH) and Holy places. This is MUNAFIQAT. Shame
for you Mirzai's. Now the third point is " WHO IS MUSHRAK? Mushrak is an
Arabic word meanings " A person who puts some one or himself equal to God
(in any sense or character) or One who denies the God's saying directly
or indirectly. Now here is Kazib Mirza's word " At the age of 40, first
God made me Marry, then He made me pregnant. After two years I delivered
my self as jesus. this is how I become Jesus son of Marry" (roohani khazain
vol 19 page 548) . A famous and devout Qadiani and writer Qazi Yaar Muhammad
had written that one day Mirza said " I saw myself as if I am a woman and
Allah expressed in me his reproductive powers of manliness." (Zabiat-ul-Islam,
by Yar Muhammad page 34). Another place he said that God said " O Mirza
you are from me like my son" ( Tazkirah page 142). If you think it is not
SHIRAK then read the Holy verses of SURAH AKHLAS (Holy Quran Surrah 112).
Here is text of that In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Say: He, Allah, is One. 2. Allah is He on Whom all depend. 3. He begets
not, nor is He begotten. 4. And none is like Him.
And now decide yourself
- Thursday, October 09, 1997 at 10:55:06 (EDT)
Dear Mr. Abdul Aziz, in your second letter you have asked for the proof
that the Qadianies are in the good books of the Brits and Americans. I
am not an intelligence officer of Muslim superpower, what I see is that
the Christians of Pakistan can not get asylum as easily as the Qadianies
do. You think that Qadianies are more educated and more religious than
Muslims. In Toronto the Qadianiese butchers have a monopoly over the Halal
shops. The rest are taxi drivers. They are so illiterate that they cant
even speak proper Urdu. However they are able to make a lot of money by
cheating the system. On paper they would work in a shop on minimum wages
paying Employment Insurance premiums. After 20 weeks they would get fired
and start receiving the Employment Insurance. All this time they are working
elsewhere on cash salaries without reporting their income. They would also
recive income suppliment while working on paper and not receiving EI. On
top of that they would have subsidized housing. This way they take home
more than what an Engineer would take home (after paying taxes and house
rent). So much for education and character. As for so called muslim rulers,
they do not represent the muslim Ummah. There is no democracy in any muslim
country. Even in Pakistan and Turkey the so called parliment is under the
Army policies who are guided by the Americans. King Faisal and Bhutto tried
to unite the Muslims and were almost immediately executed. Khomeni's health
betrayed him, futhermore he was a Shia and therefore looked with suspicion
among the sunni muslim. But there would be a sunni Khomeni one day though
the American do not allow democracy in Muslim countries. They armed Saddam
and told him to attack Iran and then after the arms limitation talk they
were supposed to destroy cruise missiles, they told Saddam to attack Kuwait
(refer to presidential candidate debate on CNN 1992 when Perot threatened
Bush to provide the files as proof). They throw 100 cruise missiles every
day on Baghdad and charged Kuwait and Saudi Arabia for that but did they
kill Saddam? no they are keeping him alive for Iran. The American army
is there to protect the kings against Islamic democracy and their oil.
So Mr. Abdul Aziz it is the American puppets who are asking for help and
not the Muslim Ummah. Muslim Ummah does not need any help. Americans do
not help anybody except their touts. Look how they got Brazil into debt.
What makes you think they are giving away money to Muslims? They are heavy
interest bearing loans they call "Grant" for which there is no point of
return. Dont worry Mr. Abdul Aziz, we dont need a fake Christ to get out
of crisis, one sunni Khomeni would do.
Hassan <*>
Dallas, Tx USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997
at 10:51:23 (EDT)
Dear Mirza Ali Qadiyani, You are absolutely wrong, they are not my
kings, ameers, and shaikhs. They serve the same masters that you serve
Hassan <*>
Dallas, Tx USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997
at 10:01:32 (EDT)
Dear Mirza Abdul Aziz, thanks for spending so much of your time after
a small timer like me. 1) you have asked me to arrange money from wealthy
muslims to collect statistics. I would be glad if you mention one muslims
who has so much enormous wealth and is good enough to donate that in the
name of Islam. If there is one he would do it himself and does not need
me to ask for it. 2) The proof that genuine and fake Qadianies are coming
to Canada by bribing the Murabbies are their confessions. However they
would not testify to get themselves kicked out or would I to get them kicked
out for telling the truth. 3) As for the history is concerned Napoleon
said that history is something which is written by the victorious. The
victorious were the British and American and they wrote whatever they wanted.
All I know from Khalifa's own memoirs is that he refused to allow the establishment
of Israel in his Empire. When the Grandfather of King Hussain (the Sharif
of Mecca) collaborated with the British to oust the turks and massacre
unarmed turk soldiers in Haram, the British then gave the Saudies a go
ahead signal to oust the Hashmites and Hashmites were awarded the kingdom
of Jordon for their loyalty to British. In fact this reward for the loyalty
to come. While Germany tried to get rid of the jews by killing them, the
British got rid of them by creation of Israel in Jordan which was ruled
by their puppet. What the Khalifa did not allow explicitly, the king allowed
implicitly. You better read the memoirs of Sir Richard Burton the British
master spy (not actor Richard Burton) and that of Colonel Lawrence of Arabia.
As for Mustafa Kemal, they may be no proof of his colloboration with the
British but the Turkish army defends the Turkish constitution (or shall
I say Kemal's constitution) which does not allow the country to link to
Islam but to rather the NATO. (look what they did to Arbakan and what they
had done to adnan mindrees). 4) You have mixed my idea of Maulana Maudoodi's
credibility of Political Wisdom with that of credibility of character.
Maulana Maudoodi honestly and sincerely thought that it was in the best
insterest of Muslims to collaborate the Christian world (the American and
the British) against the godless communist. He was mistaken but that does
not mean he was a Monafiq or a British or American agent. Sir Syed though
Muslims should co-operate with the Christian British to learn science and
technology otherwise they would be left behind, Maulana Nanotvi thought
Muslims shoudl co-operate with the Hindu Indians to kick the British out.
Neither Sir Syed was a British agent nor was Maulana Nanatvi a Hindu agent.
In nut shell I consider the character of all Muslim ulema (and not political
Mullahs) credible.
Hassan <*>
Dallas, Tx USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997
at 09:58:55 (EDT)
Mr Abdul Aziz: First of all you suggested that kings and Sheikhs should
spend some money to investigate that how many people got converted into
this cult. Why don't you provide some details about the statistics of these
conversions. After all degenerate like Mirza Tahir has concocted this figure
from some where. Otherwise we are justified to conclude that it is another
jugglery this time on Mirza Tahir's part (Mirza The grand Kazib had initially
claimed that Allah had asked him to write 50 volumes of braheen-a-Ahmadiyya
and when he failed to produce more than five then he twisted his initial
prophecy by saying that difference between 5 and 50 is merely a zero so
the prophecy is fulfilled. Atleast Mirza had generated a mathematical joke).
This times it seems Tahir's degenerated brain has added three zeros at
the end of the actual figure. Because Kazib Tahir announced this figure
on his cult mouth piece MTA, It does not mean anything, But now the qadiani
cult followers all over the world shouting boasting and beating the drum
all over the world without even thinking that where these conversion have
taken place. You are the lost people with lost cause no matter if you got
some wordily comforts and resources. Afterall Christian missionaries have
mighty influence, resources and conversion, does this make Pope and pontiff's
pious, not for sure. Allah have stamped a curse on each one of your face..
I never saw any spiritual brightness on the face of any qadiani. The only
thing one can notice( If the observer got some spiritual insight) a hidden
wickedness, cunningness and lanat on their faces
.This Athem
story and other debates of Mirza was a clear distraction planted by Brits
to involve muslims into this kind of useless and aimless debates. So the
muslims and other indigenous people could not effectively struggle against
the Brits oppression. If one carefully examines Mirza's statements it is
evident from there. Mirza provoked too many people by his stupid series
of debates and petty advertisements so in return they insulted islam and
prophet(pbuh) of Islam. Lakhram had spent months in qadian insulting Islam
because of Mirza why Mirza and any other Qadiani did not stand up and broke
his face rather than generating petty predictions. Mirza created a very
British loyal cult which was full of petty careerists and got lot of favour
from Brits. Pakistan got people like Zafarullah Qadiani M.M Ahmad Rafi
Raza, Aziz Ahmad, Nazir Ahmad. Who trapped pakistan into American lap and
pacts like Ceto/Sento These fellows were top aides to the corrupt ruling
classes of Pakistan.
Khalid Ismail <<>>
New York, USA - Thursday, October 09, 1997
at 05:46:25 (EDT)
Mr. Rumy: If I were you I woud be ashamed of writing about Priest Atham's
story. You know that Mirza Sahib entered into debate with that priest because
he had made it his routine to write terrible accusations against Prophet
Muhammad (SAS), his wives, his companions and against Islam in general.
There is no doubt that Atham did not die as predicted by Mirza Sahib. I
am also sure you know the reason for this prediction not being fulfilled
by Allah (SWA). Atham stopped reviling Prophet Muhammad (SAS), and when
he was challenged to declare that he had not decided to give up the accusations
against the Prophet of Islam, he refused. This was his explicit admission
that he had repented. He never spoke foul words for the Prophet after that.
This is a situation where Quran comes to the forefront. When Prophet Jonah
(Yunus) told his wicked peope that God had told him that they will be destroyed.
He left the town being sure that Allah's decree cannot be changed. If you
know Quran you will agree with me that Jonah's (AS) people repented and
Allah saved those people, because Allah never punishes the repentent people.
This is what happened in the case of Atham. I am sure you know all that.
What amazes me is the extent to which you will go to oppose Ahmadiyyat.
Don't you feel shame that you are lying against a man who is fighting a
christian to protect the honor of Prophet Muhammad (SAS). I know you will
pick words from my writing and give a twist to prove that you are the bravest
of Muslims fighting for the cause of Islam. It does not surprise me. I
remember my days of nonAhmadiyyat. How nonAhmadi ulema used to tell stories,
which I now know were patent lies and fabricatiions,in mosques. May Alllah
have mercy on alll of you.
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 20:24:07
Dear Mr. Hasan: These few lines were left out of my previous comment.
You have often alleged Ahmadis to be subservient to the cause of the Americans
and the British without any proof. Even though I have referred you to a
web site for complete response by the Jamaat Ahmadiyya. May I once more
refer you to the site If you visit this site you will
find that Ahmadis have been subservient to the cause of the holy Prophet(SAS)
and Islam and nobody else. Also from my personal experience I know that
Ahmadis are better educated, religiously and otherwise, than the nonAhmadis.
So if they were western agents why would they not know it. Saying such
as that common Ahmadis have been brain washed by their leaders is nothing
but silly. Moreover I find that it is not the Ahmadis but the nonAhmadis
who are the tool of the nonMuslim powers. Is it not a fact that the west
has access to the Muslim countries to station troops to fight against some
Muslim countries? Is it not a fact that even Pakistan and Egypt sent their
troops to fight against Iraq in the Gulf war? Is it not a fact that Pakistan,
Egypt, Turkey, Jordan beg for western help every year? Some time this help
is in the form of loans and sometimes grant. I can show you the proof of
all these transactions. Now could you please show me, with a valid proof,
a single transaction indicating any loan or grant to Jamaat Ahmadiyya by
these western powers? Please understand: Allah provides the Jamaat Ahmadiyya
with bounty beyond your imagination because they do what Allah tells the
umma of Prophet Muhammad (SAS) to do. They don't need any western help
and they don't need to be their agents. NonAhmadis do need their help and
hence serve as their pawns. May Allah have mercy on the umma. Ameen.
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 15:28:29
aye yo Hussan: you know what! you are absolutely right because your
kings, Ameers, and shaikhs don not have mony to find the truth, but DO
have millions to give tip to french watresses, why! because they have biiiiiiig
Ali <<><>
Halifax, - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at
14:36:42 (EDT)
Dear Mr. Hasan: (1). If you say that the wealth of the Arab Kings/Sheikhs
is meant for the casinos and cathouses of USA then why not collect funds
from the others some of whom are millionaires. Get the claim of the Ahmadiyya
jamaat regarding 3 million new members and 542 new mosques obtained in
just 1996 verified. If you don't want to verify then please desist from
claiming that the Ahmadiyyat is losing. (2). If you have proof that Ahmadis
coming to Canada have bribed Murabbis then why not show this proof to the
Canadian immigration. They will be all deported. You will have the right
to call Ahmadis liars. However, I do not say that all of them are here
because they are true Ahmadis. There are always bad apples in any community.
Even in the Prophet's (SAS) time some people became Muslims in appearance
but after his death went back immediately. If you don't have the proof
then please fear Allah (SWA) and follow Islamic injunction,"Don't blame
another person unless you have proof". (3). Regarding the abolition of
the Muslim caliphate (Turkish) after the first world war.. Please ook at
some history books, by Western, Eastern and Turkish historians, and you
will find that the Ottoman Khalifa was corrupt and extremely cruel to its
people including Turks. It were the Turks, under the leadership of Mustafa
Kamal, who removed him. Remember Mustafa Kamal was neither an Ahmadi nor
a stooge of the British. In fact he was the one who defeated the mighty
Brithish Empire in the Gallipoli front. However, I am no big fan of Mustafa
Kamal. He did lot of harm to Islam in many ways. The fact is that Allah,
the Allmighty had sent His Caliph to the Muslim world in the person of
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. There could not be another caliph of Muslims,
so Allah (SWA) removed the redundant one. Now Alah (SWA) has blessed the
world with a caliph and he is from the true followers of Islam. Whatever
is done by the opponenets of Ahmadiyyat, InshaAllah they will fail to bring
another Khalifa. (4). Some time ago you said that late Maulana Maudoodi
was not a credible guy, now you say that Arab kings/sheikhs are casino
lovers, please give me the names of nonAhmadi Muslim ulema whom you think
righteous. Thank you. Best regards.
Abdul Aziz <n.r>
USA - Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 14:27:53
Hi Mirzai,s! If I use the word Kazib (Liar) for Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani,
I am not accusing him. Here is an interesting episode from Qadiani history
which is self explanatory. Once, Mirza Qadiani arranged to convene a discussion
with a local head of episcopal diocese, named Mr Abdullah Khan Atham. For
fifteen days, argumentation continued. When Mirza could not beat his adversary
he invoked Allah for decision. He pronounced that Allah had made this decision
for Atham that this liar would be thrown into 'Ha via', (Hell) within fifteen
months from June 5, 1893. Mirza predicted in these words in his book 'Junge-Muqaddas'
p.293. "I admit right now that if this prediction goes false i.e., if within
fifteen months from this day, the party deemed to be liar in Allah's view
does not fall into 'Ha via' as death punishment then I am prepared to undergo
every type of punishment: disgrace me, blacken my face, collar a rope around
my neck or hang me on the gallows. I am prepared for every thing". Time-limit
started shrinking and Qadiani Jamaat was certain that Atham would die within
fifteen months because Mirza Qadiani had written: "And I swear by the greatness
of Allah that He will certainly do so, will certainly do so; will certainly
do so; the earth and sky may deviate but not His ordainments". As the zero
hour drew nearer and the countdown started, Mirza Qadiani madly shouted:
"If I am a liar, keep the gallows ready for me and consider me the most
accursed of all the accursed persons, the evil-doers and the satans". (Jung-e-Muqaddas,
last page). Mirzai's were certain Atham would not live to see the dawn
of the next day. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, on his part, worked out spells
of sorcery the whole night before Atham's death and had charms recited
over black grams to be thrown into blind dry wells. (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Vol.
1: p:178; Vol. 2 p:7). Despite all invocations and contrivances Atham saw
the dawn and many more dawns for many years. Thus, Allah the Exalted, testified
that: *Mirza's prediction was not a divine revelation; *Mirza's prediction
was his imposture; *Mirza deserved the punishment he had proposed on himself,
that is, --"Disgrace me" --"Blacken my face" --"Collar a rope around my
neck" --"Hang me on the gallows". Abdulaziz and other mirzai's , I ask
you: In view of your Mirza calling himself "the most accursed of all accursed
persons, the evil doers and the satans," Could I use the Word KAZIB for
him if not using the superlative-degree adjectival- epithets about him
- Wednesday, October 08, 1997 at 11:01:08 (EDT)
Dear Mr. Abdul Aziz, you have come up with an indeed funny figure.
The Sheikhs and the Kings that you have mentioned have no money for this
kind of research work for their money is for the Casinos and Cathouses
of USA. You have the blessings of the them through the USA. What I know
is that most of the Qadiyanies in Canada became Qadianies to get quick
immigration thru political asylum. "Keri kadiyaniyet yar, toosi to menoo
asylum dilaow te welfare dilaow". They claim to have bribed the Murabbies
lakhs of rupees. Loosing a battle does not mean loosing the war. Our prophets
has predicted that there would be a time that only 40 people will remain
on Haq. The dajjal (probably USA) would control the bread (or asylums)
and make them loose the faith (probably make Qadianies). However I dont
foresee that in near future so hold your breath. I admit the muslims are
in a bad shape for this moment but they had been in worse shape after the
first world war when the muslim super power of Turkey collapsed by treachery
of the Arab Sheikhs. In fact they have getting up. There is more awareness
of Islam in USA and Canada then before. We are doing our job well over
here. That is the reason Qadianies are being brought here to reverse the
effect. No matter how many battles we may loose we will win the battle
Insha-allah. Nasr um minallah wa fathon qareeb.
Hassan <*>
Dallas, Tx USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997
at 14:39:12 (EDT)
Dear Mr Mirza
Thankyou for your warning. I
do not care whether I win or loose the battle. What is important is that
I see something wrong, I fight against it and consider it my duty to propagate
this awareness to others lest they fall prey to Qadiani onslaught out of
ignorance. If knowingly someone joins the Ahmadiyya creed, then of course
there is no compulsion in religion. I am least bothered whether I win or
loose since my job is to convey the message just to please Allah and His
Rasool SAAW.
If the challenge of Mubahila
is for the enemies of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his Ahmadiyya Jama'at, then
I am the right person, who have accepted it. Now let us see what happens
to me by January.
However your assertion that the
challenge was not intented for the Ummat-e-Muslimah is wrong. I do not
know whom you are trying to decieve but I have the original copy of this
challenge in Urdu from your Jama'at and it says on the title cover
Jama'at-e-Ahmadiyya International to
Mu'anideen (Enemies) and Mukaffireen
(Disbelievers) and Mukazzibeen (Liars) of the entire world."
And I am quite sure that
the entire Muslim Ummah considers Mirza Ghulam Ahmad a Liar in his claim
of prophethood, Messiah or Mahdi.
Wassalam to those who follow
the right path,
Dr. Rashid
Syed Rashid Ali <>
Dibba, UAE - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at
13:19:35 (EDT)
Mr. Hasan and Mr. Z.A.Mirza: Please look out. Ahmadis are not losing.
They are winning in a big way. For about 40 Ahmadis Muslims mosques demolished
by nonAhmadis in Pakistan Allah (SWT) has given us 500 new mosques worldwide
and many along with their congregations. For a few Ahmadis who rcanted
under the economic, social and political pressure Allah (SWA) has given
us 3 million new Ahmadis just last year. If you don't believe ask one your
kings, amirs, sultans and shaikhs to hire an independent agency to check
our claim. As regards nonAhmadis being the party of Prophet Muhammad (SAS),
I would ask you to rethink your statement. How can you be the beloveds
of the Prophet when you don't do an iota to fulfil his mission of preaching
Islam to the whole world. Also how come that you are killing your brother
Muslims and still feel that you are the inheritors of the Prophet. Prophet
is our spiritual father. Just think if Mr. A's father would love him if
he kills his own brother. Gentlemen, it is the deed and the beliefs that
make you a true Musims not the words aone. Best regards.
Abdul Aziz <n.r.>
USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 12:58:01
coralville, ia u.s.a - Tuesday, October 07,
1997 at 12:15:28 (EDT)
Dear Mirza you are right that this fight is like that of Muslims and
Mushriks of Mecca. The Mushriks of Mecca made phony gods the Shareek of
Allah and refused to acknowledge Muhammed (SAW) as prophet. The Mushrik
Qadianies make phony prophet Mirza Ghulam a Shareek with our prophet Muhammed
(SAW) and refuse to beleive in his finality.
Hassan <*>
Dallas, Tx USA - Tuesday, October 07, 1997
at 10:12:23 (EDT)
Mr. Abdul Hafeez/Rashid,You are fighting a loosing battle. Much the
same as mushrkeen Makkah were fighting against our beloved master Hazrat
Mohammad sallala ho alehe wassalam.The mubahila was not for Umma but for
enemies of Allah's Jamat Ahmadiyya. You are deceiving yourself and others.
Repent now.
Z.A. Mirza <>
Japan - Tuesday, October 07, 1997 at 07:17:31
i was here :)
warwick, ri usa - Monday, October 06, 1997
at 17:56:08 (EDT)