Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
1st January 1999


Part I
Life Sketch of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad,
the Shaikh Chilli of Qadian
(Asian Don Quixote)
"His visions (or more accurately his hallucinations) assure him
that God in Heavens glorifies him and invests him with highest decorations.
He is King of the Aryans, Jai Singh Bahadur
(a sikh name meaning victorious Lion) and Lord Krishna.
Mary is one of his names in which character,
he or rather she, remains big with Jesus
for a period of not more than ten months.
The Jesus born is none else than the Mirza himself!"
Isn't that proof enough that he was a mad man?
("His Holiness: A fearless and frank exposition of the hollowness
of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claim to Prophethood" by Phoenix pp. 191-192)
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