Ahmadiyya Awareness Campaign
1st January 1999

Who was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and who were his ancestors? Time and again I have asked his followers to bring his biography, which is not something of a secret, but for some reason they always ignored this request. I then started conducting my own research, which is presented here in the following pages.

See, what explanation Mirza gives for becoming the Promised Messiah and Promised Mahdi. Every sensible person should ponder on the flight of his imagination. He gave the following interesting explanation for becoming Eisa Ibn-e-Maryam (JESUS, SON OF MARY):

(Kishtee-e-Nooh pp. 87,88,89 by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani)

Meaning first he was made MARY, then he/she became pregnant, then after 10 months he/she was delivered from his/her own abdomen as Jesus, Son of Mary. What logic! The whole building of Qadianism is founded on this ridiculous idea. Everybody can well imagine what sort of religion it is. To make this belief more simple and understandable at a glance, this tittle cover has been prepared, which is nothing but an artist’s impression of the above quotation, so that these sick people can visualize the basis of their religion.

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