Anti Ahmadiyya
Movement in Islam
13th March 2000

Mirza Ghulam and Deputy Atham
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
"He who is a Liar in
his claims, his prophecy is never fulfilled."
Khazain Vol.5 P.223)
"Out of 100 prophecies,
if even ONE prophecy turns out to be wrong, I will admit that I am a LIAR."
(Roohani Khazain Vol.17 P.460)
Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani, the founder of Ahmadiyya
Movement, claimed that he is a recepient of revelation/inspirations from
God. On the basis of his inspirations/revelations, he claimed that he is
a Prophet, a Messenger, Promised Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Lord Krishnan Jai
Singh Bahadur etc. etc. all in one. Despite all these claims he kept insisting
that he is a Muslim. When confronted by Muslims that such beliefs are against
the teachings of Quran and Hadith and therefore declared him a liar, he
"The basis
for our claims is not Hadith but Quran and that Wahi which comes to me.
Yes, in support we also present those Hadith which are according to Quran
A WASTE PAPER."(Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.140)
"Swearing upon God
I say that I beleive in these inspirations in the same way as I believe
in Quran and other books of God. And just as I consider Quran undoubtedly
and surely the book of God, similarly I believe that that wahi which descends
upon me is the word of God." (Haqeetqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain
vol.22 p.220)
When Muslim scholars presented to him the proofs
from Quran and Hadith to disprove his claims, he said:
"There is
no greater test than my prophecies to judge my truth and lies."
(Roohani Khazain Vol.5 P.288)
"Out of 100 prophecies,
if even ONE prophecy turns out to be wrong, I will admit that I am a LIAR."
(Roohani Khazain Vol.17 P.460)
Dear Readers!
I am sure you would agree that PROPHECIES
are not the proof of someones PROPHETIC STATUS. However Mirza Ghulam insisted
on this being the proof of his truthfulness and Allah made sure that he
is humiliated in his claims.
A glowing example of such humiliation was
the debate with a Christian Priest, Deputy Abdullah Atham.
In 1893 Mirza Ghulam challenged the Christian
Missioanry Abdullah Atham to have a written debate on the truthfulness
of either religion. He wrote to him:
"I am ready for the Holy
War." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.65)
Between 22nd to 5th June 1893, written debate
started in the presence of live audience from both sides. During the debate,
one day Mirza declared:
"I swear upon God that
God told me 'whatever was given to the Massiah (Jesus) has been given to
you and you are the Promised Messiah." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.49)
Next day some Christians
brought one blind, one deaf and a paralysed man. Mr Atham challenged Mirza
Ghulam to cure them of their illnesses, just as Hazrat Eisa Ibne Maryam
did. Of course he could not do it. (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p. 291)
Quite understandably Mirza Ghulam became the
laughing stock of those present and he made a mockery of Islam in the eyes
Christians. By the end of the debate Mirza
Ghulam's defeat was quite obvious.
Muslims and Christians
were openly expressing the failure of Mirza to prove the truthfulness of
his Islam. (Roohani Khazain vol.9 p.25)
Several Muslims converted
to Christianity. (Roohani Khazain vol.9 p.28, footnote)
But there was no record of any conversion to
islam as a result of this debate.
Finally, Mirza did what he had been doing before.
He could not win Atham on intellectual level, he sought refuge in so-called
'divine' message. He issued a GRAND PROPHECY on the last day of debate.
Mirza said:
"God has informed me last
night that 'He who is delibrately lying, leaving the true God and making
a simple man God, he will be punished by being thrown in hell within 15
months and will be disgraced unless he accepts the truth (that is Islam).
And he who is on truth and believes in true God, his honour will be restored.
And when this prophecy is fulfilled some blind will start seeing, paralysed
start walking and deaf start hearing." (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.292)
Mirza declared:
"I ADMIT if this prophecy
proves to be false, that is he who is wrong is not punished by death withn
15 months from today, I am prepared to recieve any punishment, I should
be disgraced, paint my face black, put a rope around my neck, hang me.
I am ready for every punishment and I swear upon God that He will definitely
fulfil it, definitely fulfil it, definitely fulfil it. Earth and Heavens
can change but His words can never be anulled." (Roohani Khazain
vol.6 p.293)
Mirza agreed that if the
sign of his truthfulness is not shown, then he will admit that he is not
from God and will give up his Islamic faith or give away half of his property
for the propagation of Christianity. (Roohani Khazain vol.6 p.48-49)
Imagine, has there ever been a Prophet in the
history of mankind who had accepted to become leave his religion and become
Kaafir or given half his property for the propagation of falsehood? It
just shows how little Mirza respected Islam.
Mr Atham was still alive, several attempts
were made on his life, a man fired a gun at him, cobra snake was thrown
in his house, somebody tried to break open his house door. He had to change
his residence several times. (Roohani Khazain vol. 13 p.163)
15th MONTH
5th Sept 1894 was the dead line. Mr Atham
was being continuously guarded by the police for his life. Mirza became
more and more nervous. He requested various people in his letters to pray
for the death of Atham. (Maktoobat-e-Ahmadiyya vol.5 No.3
p.128) He distributed sweets to children and return ask them to
pray for Atham's death.
Magic Spell to kill Atham
On 4th September, he chose some close associates
to recite a special wazeefa on gram seeds to have Atham killed, which were
then personally thrown in a disused well outside Qadian by Mirza. He took
two of his close associates for the task and had instructed them that as
soon as he had thrown the enchanted gram seeds in the well, they should
run away without looking backwards. (Seeratul Mahdi by Mirza
Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza ghulam vol.1 p.160)
God told Mirza:
"Although he (Atham) will
die earlier but if not, sun of the last day of 15th month will not set
until Atham dies." (AlHakam Newspaper Qadian dated
7th Sept 1923)
Sun went down, but nothing happened.
Mirza gathered his followers in the mosque
and reassured them that SUN WILL NOT RISE and ATHAM WILL BE DEAD. He ordered
them to pray whole night Whole night voices were crying out from every
house: O God! May Atham die. O God! May Atham die. But Alas! nothing happened.
(Raees-e-Qadian vol2 p.172)
5th September came and pass. On 6th September
1894, Christians took out a procession to celebrate the victory of Atham
over Mirza. They ridiculed and lampooned Islam. For them, Mirza and Islam
were synonymous. What a service to Islam!
Every word of this Grand Prophecy proved
to be false:
Atham did not embrace Islam
He did not die within 15 months
He was not disgraced
Mirza was humiliated
No blind man started seeing, no deaf started
hearing, no paralysed started walking.
Man proposes and God disposes. Mirza made false
claims about his prophecies, Mirza's version of Islam was false in the
eyes of Allah, Mirza's arguments in favour of his version of Ahmadiyya
Islam was a sham. It was not a defeat of Islam, for Islam is an eternal
truth whether one accepts it or not. It was a defeat for Mirza, Allah did
not want an imposter prophet to succeed even if he was trying to pretend
to be serving Islam. Allah knew what was in the heart of Mirza, the egotistical
imposter. Hence Allah made sure that Mirza is humiliated.
By his own preset conditions, Mirza should
have recieved following punishments:
his face should have been blackened
hanged with a rope around his neck
Should have recieved every kind of punishment
He should have either denouced Islam and emrbraced
Christianity or
Given hald his property for the propagation
of Christianity as he had promised.
But who could touch The SELF-CULTIVATED SEEDLING
OF THE BRITISH RAJ. (Roohani Khazain vol.13 p.350) If Mirza Ghulam has
a slightest trace of honesty and Imaan in his heart, he should have sat
down and ponder at what had happened. But his bloated ego prevented him
from facing the truth and denouncing his false claims. Instead he started
giving the usual excuse:
"He repented in his heart......."
(Roohani Khazain Vol.9 P.2)