Bismillah alRehman alRaheem
Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
25th August 2000
1974 Declaration by World Muslim League
(Rabita al-Alam al-Islami)
Mohammad Bashir
World Muslim League held its annual conference at
Makkah Al-Mukaramma Saudi Arabia from 14th to 18th of Rabiul
Awwal 1394 H (April 1974) in which 140 delegations of Muslim countries
and organizations from all over the world participated. I (Mohammad Bashir)
too was there in this Conference alongwith the other journalists from all
over the world. The Conference unanimously adopted the following Resolution
regarding Qadianism.
Qadianism or Ahmadiyyat: It is a subversive movement
against Islam and the Muslim world, which falsely and decietfully claims
to be an Islamic sect; who under the guise of Islam and for the sake of
mundane interests contrives and plans to damage the very foundations of
Islam. Its eminent deviations from the basic Islamic principles are as
Its founder claimed that he was a Prophet.
They deliberately distort the meanings of the verses of the Holy Quran.
They decalred that Jehad has been obolished.
Qadianism was originally fostered by the British
imperialism. Hence it has been flourishing under her flag. This movement
has completely been disloyal to and dishonest in affairs of the Muslim
Ummah. Rather, it has been loyal to Imperialism and Zionism. It has deep
associations and cooperation with the anti Islamic forces and teachings
especially through the following nefarious methods:
Construction of mosques with the assistance of the anti Islamic forces
wherin the misleading Qadiani thoughts are imparted to the people.
Opening of schools institutions and orphanages wherein the people are taught
and trained as to how they can be more anti Islamic in their activities.
They also published the corrupted versions of the Holy Quran in different
local and international languages.
In order
to combat these dangers, the Conference recommends the following measures:
All the Muslim organization in the world must keep a vigilant eye on all
the activities of Qadianisin their respective countries; to confine them
all strictly to their schools, institutions and orphanages only. Moreover
he Muslims of the world be shown the true picture of Qadianism and be briefed
of their various tactics so that the Muslims of the world be saved from
their designs .
They must be declared non Muslims and ousted form the fold of Islam. And
be barred to enter the Holy lands.
There must be no dealings with the Qadianis. They must be coycotted socially
, economically and culturally Nor they be married with or to Nor they be
allowed to be buried in the Muslims graveyards. And they be treated like
other non Muslims.
All the Muslim countries must impose restrictions on the activities of
the claimant of Prophethood Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani’s followers; must
declare them a non Muslim minority must not etrust them them with any post
of responsibility in any Muslim country.
The alterations effected by them in the Holy Quran must be made public
and the people be briefed of them and all these be prohibited for further
All such groups as are deviators from islam must be treated at par with
the Qadianis.