Ahmadiyya Awareness Campaign
August '97
Those who are kaafir and die and remain
kaafir, upon them is the curse of Allah and of angels and the whole mankind.
How a
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
Praises are for Allah, the One and Only.
His Love and Blessings may eternally shower
on Holy Prophet Muhammad, after whom there is no prophet.
Recently a pamphlet has been distributed by
Ahmadiyya/Qadianiyah Movement in various parts of the world, ‘Ahmad in
praise of Muhammad’
For the benefit of those who are not aware
of Indo-Pak culture, names like Ghulam Ahmad, Ghulam Rasool or Ghulam Ali
or Abdul Rehman etc. etc. are composite and they mean Ghulam (slave) of
Ahmad, Slave of Rasool, Slave of Ali or Servant of Rehman respectively.
It is therefore Interesting how a Ghulam or slave of Ahmed
to become Ahmad in his own right. Can a servant ever be coequal
to his Master?
It contains such quotations from the books
of their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, trying to prove that he was
intoxicated with the love of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW, full of praises
for Allah, Holy Quran and Islam. These quotations portray a very beautiful
character. However what general people do not know is that Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad had at least two distinct phases in his life. One extended from his
childhood into his early adult life. Being born in a Muslim family, during
this period he was a devout Sunni Muslim. It was during this period that
we such writings where he declared time and again his Muslim Ahle-Sunnah
wal Jamaat faith, his veneration for the Holy Prophet of Islam and his
eagerness to serve Islam. Although he received formal education at home,
he did not attend any of the established schools (madrassah) of religious
education, nor did he became affiliated to any of the Shaikhs of Tariqah
(Sufism) as his spiritual guide. Rather he helped himself freely with various
religious material available to him forming his own opinions and conclusions.
If there was any deviation from the established doctrine of Ahle Sunnah
wal Jamaat it was hardly noticeable.
During the later part of his life, his thoughts
and beliefs exhibited a noticeable change and initially at least Mirza
Ghulam made attempts to backtrack from his statements or writings to dampen
the backlash of Muslims. However with the passage of time he became more
and more defiant and audacious in his heretical views. It is this another
aspect, this transformation, of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's personality which
is hidden from the public eye and which is hardly ever mentioned and quoted
in the propaganda literature of Ahmadiyya Movement.
Another fact worth remembering are those writings
of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in which he confesses to be suffering from various
diseases afflicting his brain and higher mental functions. He mentions
about Melancholia (Maniac Depressive Psychosis), Mirraq (Hypochondriasis),
Attacks of unconsciousness, Amnesia, Forgetfulness, Insomnia, Hysterical
Fits, Attacks of Heart Fits (Nervous Breakdown), Dizziness, Diabetes mellitus,
Excessive Urination of upto 100 times per day. He obsessively complains
of Impotence and Lack of Sexual Power. He mentions of scores of Medicines
used for all these ailments which he was either preparing himself or getting
others to prepare for him. There are mentions of using of Tonic Wine and
Opium for such maladies. Even he dreams of Angels telling him of various
concoctions to regain his Sexual Energies. In fact on one occasion God
instructed him in dream to prepare 'Divine Potion' for his Sexual Destitution
and OPIUM was its major constituent
In the following pages, I will present quotations
from the same books written by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and let readers be the
judge of his character. Was he really inebriated with the love of Holy
Prophet, was he really a prophet, was he really receiving revelation/inspiration
or was it the work of his sick mind compounded by his consumption of Opium
and Alcohol. It will then be your responsibility to decide whether it is
ignorance from their founder's writings or a well-orchestrated deception
and cover-up by Ahmadiyya Movement.
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
Dibba, August 9th, 1997
Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad’s and his God
In their propaganda literature Ahmadiyya
Movement boasts of their founder's love and praise for Allah. Following
quotations from his books reveal that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's WAHI (revelation)
and INSPIRATIONS have been directing him in an altogether different direction:
"I saw in my vision that I myself am God
and believed that it is true . . . . Godhood penetrated my tissues . .
.and in this state I was saying that We want a new heaven and a new earth.
Thus I created heavens and earth . ."
(Roohani Khazain vol.13
"On one occasion Hazrat Maseeh Mowood revealed
his condition that the State of Revelation came upon him in such a manner
as if he is a woman and God has expressed His power of Virility. Hint is
enough for those who can understand."
(Tract No.34, Islami Qurbani
p.12 by Qazi Yar Mohammed Qadiani, a close associate of Mirza Ghulam)
(SubhanAllah! Accusing Allah of Homosexuality!
May Allah protect us from such wild imaginations.)
God tells Mirza in his Wahi:
"(O Mirza!) Heavens and Earth are with you
as they are with me . . . . You are from me as my Unity and my Uniqueness
. . . . . You are from me like my Throne . . . . You are from me like my
son . . . . . I make mistakes and I fulfil . . . . . I Fast and I break
the fast . . . . . We give you the gladtidings of a son which will be the
manifestation of 'HAQ' and the MAJESTY, as if GOD has descended from Heavens.
We give you gladtidings of a son.."
(Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani
Khazain vol.22 p.79-99)
Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad and Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW
Ahmadiyya Movement’s propaganda literature
is full of quotations from Mirza’s writings overflowing with his love for
Holy Prophet Muhammad (SalAllaho alaihe wa Sallam). Following quotations
from the same books tell an entirely different story. Interestingly his
status evolves from one stage to the next. Initially he was a SERVANT of
AHMAD (MUHAMMAD) saaw; then he became intoxicated with his love. Later
this intoxication annihilated his personality and he became Muhammad SAAW
Are his followers (Qadianis/Ahmadis/Lahoris/Mirzais) aware of these writings?
If they are, then why are they concealing such profanities?
Mirza Claims to be a SERVANT and INEBRIATED
with the love of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW:
As mentioned in the leaflet "Ahmad in Praise of Muhammad" Mirza
claimed to be inebriated with the love of Muhammad. He claimed that he
was the GHULAM (slave) of AHMAD (SAAW).
"This humble self is neither a PROPHET nor a MESSENGER,
rather only my Virtuous Prophet's LOWLY SERVANT and FOLLOWER…."
(Statement of Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad, Akhbar AlHakm Qadian No.23 vol. 5)
"After God I am inebriated with the love of
Muhammad. If this is infidelity, then by God I am the greatest infidel."
(Saying of Mirza in pamphlet
'Ahmad in Praise of Muhammad' p.1)
Having thus convinced his followers of his love for
Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW, he took his claims further by pretending that
his love has took him to a stage where his person has become the person
of Muhammad. Mirza said:
"And Allah bestowed
upon me the bounty of the Holy Prophet and made it perfect, and he drew
towards me the kindness and generosity of that Merciful Prophet, so much
so that my entity became his entity. Thus he who joins my Jamaat really
becomes one of the Sahaba of my Chief who was better then all the Prophets.
It is not hidden from those with the ability to think that this is what
the words "others of them" mean. The person who differentiates between
me and Mustafa (i.e. Holy Prophet pbuh) has neither seen me nor recognised
(Khutbah-e-Ilhamiah, Roohani
Khazain, vol.16, pp.258-259)
It was then just a matter of time that he started
claiming to be the reincarnation of Holy Prophet SAAW. Thus a GHULAM
Mirza Ghulam claims to be Mohammad
Mirza Ghulam says:
"'Mohammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena m'ahoo,
ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao bainahum' in this revelation God has named
me Mohammed and Messenger as well."
(Roohani Khazain vol. 18
Mirza Ghulam said:
"Holy Prophet has two advents or in other
words you can say that in one Buroozi way coming again of Holy Prophet
(saaw) was promised which has been fulfilled by the appearance of Promised
Messiah and Promised Mahdi."
(Roohani Khazain vol. 17
Mirza Ghulam says:
"I have said several times that according
to the verse (of Holy Quran) 'wa akhareena minhum lamma yalhaqoo behim'
as Burooz I am the same Prophet, the Khatamul Anbiyyah, and 20 years ago
God named me Mohammed and Ahmad in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya and declared me
His Being."
(Aik ghalti ka azala, Roohani
Khazain vol. 18 p.212)
Mirza Ghulam said:
"The Holy Prophet (saaw) had two births as
a Prophet. In other words, we may say that it was promised that the Holy
Prophet (saaw) would be born in the world once more (reincarnated) and
this was fulfilled by the incarnation of the Promised Messiah and the Promised
(Tohfa-e-Golravia, Roohani
Khazain vol. 17 p.249)
Mirza said:
"When I am the Holy Prophet incarnate and
when all the accomplishments of Muhammad including the prophethood are
reflected in my mirror of my shadiness, then who is the man who has claimed
prophethood in a separate being?"
(Ek Ghalti Ka Izala, Roohani
Khazain, vol.18, p.212)
Such beliefs and writings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
led his follower to express boldly their beliefs in following terms.
Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam says:
"Maseeh Mowood is not a separate thing from Holy Prophet pbuh,
but it is He Himself who has come again in this world in Buroozi form.....
therefore is there any doubt that God has sent Holy Prophet again in Qadian?"
(Kalimat Alfasl p.104-105, Review of Religions
Qadian March 1915)
"Now it is clear that if rejecting Holy Prophet is KUFR then
rejecting Promised Messiah should also be KUFR, because Promised Messiah
is nothing separate from Holy Prophet, but it is Him and if he who rejects
Promised Messiah is not KAFIR then the rejector of Holy Prophet is also
not Kafir, God forbid."
(Kalimat alFasl p.146-147
Review of Religion, Qadian, Mar-Apr 1915)
"Thus does any doubt remain that God has
sent Muhammad (pbuh) again in Qadian to fulfil his promise?"
(Kalimat alFasl by Mirza
Basheer Ahmad, Review of Religions p.105, No.3, vol.14)
Mirza is equal to Holy Prophet
It was just another step forward to equate himself
with Holy Prophet. Mirza said:
"Anyone who differentiates between me and
MUSTAFA (pbuh), he has not seen me and has not recognized me."
(Roohani Khazain vol. 16
Official Qadiani mouthpiece, Al-Fazl from Qadian
"The entity of the promised Masih (Mirza),
in the sight of Allah is the entity of the Holy Prophet (SAW). In other
words, in the records of Allah there is no duality or difference between
the promised Masih and the holy Prophet (SAW). Rather they both share the
same eminence, the same rank, the same status and the same name. Although
verbally they are two, yet in reality they are one and the same".
(Al-Fazl, Qadian, vol.3,
No.37, dated 16th September 1915, as cited in Qadiani Mazhab page 207,
9th edition, Lahore)
Next Step was quite natural for his close
companions to take:
"With the coming of Promised Messiah one
difference (in the meaning of Kalima) has occurred and that is that before
the advent of Promised Messiah, in the meaning of 'Mohammad ur Rasoolullah'
only Prophets of bygone days were included, BUT with the advent of Promised
...... thus to enter in Islam it is still the same Kalima, the only difference
is that the advent of Promised Messiah has added one more prophet to its
meaning...we don't need a new Kalima, because Promised Messiah is nothing
separate from Holy Prophet, as he says: 'saara wujoodi wujoodahoo (my person
became his person)' and 'he who differentiates between me and Mustafa has
not seen me and not recognises me'.....thus Promised Messiah is Muhammad
Rasoolullah himself who has come again in this world to spread Islam, therefore
we do not need any new Kalima. Yes if someone else had come then we may
have required it --- thus think all of you."
(KalimatAlFasl p.158 by
Mirza Basheer Ahmad)
"As a result of the birth of the Promised
Messiah (the Qadiani Mirza) a difference has cropped up (in the meaning
of the Kalima). Before the birth of the Promised Messiah (the Qadiani Mirza)
in the world as a prophet, the words Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah) included
in their meaning only such prophets as had preceded him; but after the
incarnation of the Promised Messiah (the Qadiani Mirza) in the world as
a prophet, one more prophet has been added to the meaning of Muhammad ur
Rasoolu Llah. Therefore on account of the incarnation of the Promised Messiah
the Kalima, God forbid, does not become abolished; it rather shines more
brightly. In short, the same Kalima is (effective) even now for embracing
Islam, with the only difference that the incarnation of the Promised Messiah
(Mirza Qadiani) has added one more prophet to the meaning of Muhammad ur
Rasool Llah".
(Kalimatul Fasl, page 158,
by Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani)
"Moreover, even if we accept by supposing the
impossible that the sacred name of the Gracious Prophet (pbuh) has been
included in the sacred Kalima because He is the Last of the Prophets, even
then there is no harm and we do not need a new Kalima because the Promised
Messiah is not a separate entity from the gracious Prophet as he (Mirza)
himself says: "My being is exactly the being of Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah".
Also, "One who discriminates between me and Mustafa has neither recognized
me nor seen me". And the reason for this is Allah Almighty's promise that
He would reincarnate "Khatam un Nabieen" in this world once more as a prophet
as is evident from the verse "And others of them... Thus the Promised Messiah
(Mirza of Qadian) is himself Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah, who has been incarnated
in the world again to spread Islam. We do not, therefore, need any new
Kalima. Albeit, a new Kalima would have been necessary, if some other person
had been reincarnated instead of Muhammadur Rasool Llah. So contemplate!"
(Kalimatul Fasl, page 158)
"Thus according to the verse (of Quran)
'O people of the faith! Send your Salat on Him and salute Him with the
Salutation (33:56) and according to those Hadiths in which there are instructions
to send Durood on Holy Prophet pbuh, sending Durood on Hazrat Maseeh Mowood
is just as necessary as it is on the Holy Prophet pbuh."
(Risala Durood Shareef by
Mohd Ismael Qadiani p.136)
"According to the traditions in Islam and
Hadith, it is necessary to clearly include His (Holy Prophet pbuh) Family
in Durood; Similarly albeit more importantly it is necessary to clearly
send Durood on Maseeh Mowood and not to be contended with that General
Durood which reaches him (Mirza) as well when one sends Durood on Holy
Prophet pbuh. Thus Hazrat Maseeh Mowood says:
'One of the objections of the ignorants
is also this that the followers of this man (Mirza) apply on him the words
['alaihe assalato wa assalam] and to say this is HARAM. The answer to this
is that I am the Promised Messiah, and leave aside the saying of Salaat
and Salaam, Holy Prophet Himself said that he who finds him, convey His
salaam to him; and in all Hadiths at hundreds of places Salaat-o-salaam
is mentioned for the Promised Messiah. When such words about me are said
by The Prophet, Sahaba has said, rather God has said, then how can it be
Haram for my Jama'at to say such words for
(Risala Durood Shareef,
Arba'een No.2 Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.349)
Mirza Plagiarizes verses of Holy Quran
This self proclaimed intoxicated lover of Holy
Prophet SAAW became so much consumed with his love that he started having
revelations (delusions of grandeur!) informing him that all those verses
revealed in the glory of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW are now being revealed
in Mirza Ghulam's honour. Open Haqeeqatul Wahi in volume 22 of Roohani
Khazain and you will find that from pages 77 to 111 Mirza Ghulam has mentioned
samples of his revelations/inspirations, a mixture of Arabic, Urdu, Persian,
Punjabi and occasional English. Those who are familiar with Holy Quran
will immediately recognize the extent of wholesale plagiarization of various
verses of Holy Quran, Here one will find those verses which were revealed
to Glorify Holy Prophet Muhammad
and some which were used for Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). Only Few examples will
be mentioned here.
Allah Glorifies Holy Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) and His Companions in Holy Quran in the following verse:
"'Mohammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena
m'ahoo, ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao bainahum' Mohammad, the Messenger
of Allah, and those who are with him (i.e. His Companions) are....." (Al-Quran
For the last fourteen centuries Muslims
have never had any other meanings to this famous verse. But Mirza's WAHI
informs him:
"'Mohammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena m'ahoo,
ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao bainahum' in this revelation God has named
me Mohammed and Messenger as well."
(Roohani Khazain vol. 18
Likewise following is the list of some verses
of Holy Quran, which every Prophet-loving Muslim will immediately recognise
to be venerating and glorifying Syedna Muhammad SAAW, were ALLEGEDLY REVEALED
AGAIN to glorify Mirza Ghulam. Mirza:
"'Howa allzi arsala rasoolahu bil huda' He (Allah)
is the one who has sent His Messenger with guidance...." (al-Quran 9:33)
"'Subhan allazi asra be 'abdehee ....' Glorified
be He (Allah) who took His Servant on the Journey by Night from Masjid
alHaram to Masjid alAqsa...'" (al-Quran 17:1)
"'qul in kuntum tuhibboonal Llaha fa al-tabe'oonee...'
Say (O Muhammad!) If you really love Allah, then follow me..." (al-Quran
"'Inna fatahna laka fathun mubeena...' Verily! We
have given You (O Muhammad) a manifest victory...." (al-Quran 48:1-2)
"'Ya Seen wa alQuran alHakeem. Innaka la minal mursaleen....'
Yaseen! By the Quran, full of wisdom. Truly You (O Muhammad) are one of
the Messengers." (al-Quran 36:1-3)
"'Inna a'atainaaka alKauser...' Verily! We have granted
you (O Muhammad!) a river in Paradise..." (al-Quran 108:1)
"'wa Maa arsalnaaka illa Rehmatal Lil 'alameen' And
We have not sent you (O Muhammad!) save as a Mercy for All the Worlds."
(al-Quran 21:107)
Having thus pilfering the role of Holy Prophet
SAAW, he and his followers started helping themselves of all the other
Muslim epithets and titles. For example:
His family became AHLE BAIT
His companions became Sahaba
Wife of Mirza started being addressed as UMM-ul-M'oMINEEN:
Mosque built by his father became al-AQSA MOSQUE
For 1400 years Muslims were wrong about the
sanctity of the Holy City of Jerusalem. Actually according to Mirza Ghulam
Masjid Aqsa is in Qadian. Holy Prophet went to Qadian and not Jerusalem
on Night of Ascension. Mirza says:
"Verse of Holy Quran (17:1) 'Subhan alLazee
asra be'abdehee lailan min alMasjid alHaram ila alMasjid alAqsa.....' Glory
be to Him who took His Slave in the night from Masjid Haram to Masjid Aqsa....,
its literal and true application is that Mosque which has been built by
Mirza's father and whose extension has been done by Mirza."
(Advertisement for collection
of donation for Minarat-ul-Maseeh, Collection of Advertisement vol.3 p.286)
QADIAN became as sacrosanct as ARDH-e-HARAM and coming
to visit that place became a SHADOW HAJJ:
"The land of Qadian is now respectable
Crowd of people has made it Land of Haram".
(Mirza Ghulam's poetry, Dur-e-sameen
"People go for ordinary and supererogatory (Nafly)
Hajj. But in this place (Jalsa Salana in Qadian) the reward is more than
NAFIL HAJJ and to remain neglectful is harmful and dangerous since the
Way (of Ahmadiyyat) is divine and order is from God."
Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.352)
"Since only those people can go on Hajj who
have the means and are rich, although Divine Movements always initially
spread amongst the poor and poor are excused from Hajj. Thus God has fixed
one more ZILLI HAJJ so that those people with whom He wants to take the
task of Islam's uprising and those poor that is the Muslims of India may
also participate in it."
(Khutba Mian Mehmood Ahmad,
Khalifa Qadian, Newspaper alFazl vol.20 No.66 dated 1st Dec 1932)
The Wahi of Mirza Ghulam
By this time Mirza
became bold enough to talk openly about his inspirations/revelations. He
thus declared openly about his WAHI:
"The basis for our claims is not Hadith
but Quran and that Wahi which comes to me. Yes, in support we also present
those Hadith which are according to Quran and DO NOT CONTRADICT MY WAHI.
(Roohani Khazain vol.19
"In Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, God has called me
by the name of Ibrahim......"
(Arba'een No.3, Roohani
Khazain, vol.17 p.420)
"My teachings contain orders as well as prohibitions
and renovation of important injunctions of the Shari'at. For this reason
God has named my teachings and the 'wahi' (revelation) that comes to me
as a 'boat. Thus see, God has declared my 'wahi', my teachings and allegiance
with me to be Noah's Ark and the basis of salvation for all human beings.
Let he who has eyes may see and he who has ears may hear."
(Arba'een, Vol. 4, footnote
of page 6; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 17, p. 435).
"I say with swearing upon God that I believe
in these inspirations in the same way as I believe in Quran and other books
of God. And just as I consider Quran undoubtedly and surely the book of
God, similarly I believe that that wahi which descends upon me is the word
of God."
(Haqeetqatul Wahi, Roohani
Khazain vol.22 p.220)
"I have similar faith in my Wahi as on Holy
Quran and Torah."
(Arba'een No.4 , Roohani
Khazain vol.17 p.454)
"and the Word of God descended so much on
me that if it is collected it will not be less than 20 parts."
(Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani
Khazain vol.22 p.407)
Mirza Better than Holy Prophet Muhammad
SAAW (ma’azAllah):
However Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was still not satisfied with
his progress. He wanted to improve further. Was it spiritual evolution
or delusions of grandeur, it is anyone's guess. His next step was claiming
superiority and excellence over Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW. He said:
"But the fact is that the spirituality of Holy Prophet pbuh
(in the form of Mirza Ghulam) in this end of the sixth millenium, that
is in these days, is much more stronger and perfect and forceful as compared
to those (first) years, like a full moon."
(Khutba-e-Ilhamiah, Roohani
Khazain vol. 16 p.271)
"The spirituality of our holy Prophet (SAW)
was conceived in 5th thousand (ie Makki birth) with its precise attributes
and that period was not the the climax of his spirituality's development.
It was rather the first step to the highest pinnacle of its perfection.
Thereafter this spirituality manifested itself in its full glamour during
the 6th thousand (his rebirth in Qadian) at the present time".
(Mirza in Khutba-e-llhamiyah,
Roohani Khazain, Vol.16, p.266)
He pointed to his followers that he has been
given 300,000 signs and miracles whereas Holy Prophet was given just 3000.
Praising himself, he wrote in his poetry:
"For the Holy Prophet God showed only the sign
of Eclipse of Moon
But for me he has shown the sign of Eclipse
of both Moon and Sun, thus will you disbelieve me."
(Aijaz-e-Ahmadi, Roohani
Khazain vol.19 p.183)
He claimed that certain concealed or
secret meanings of Holy Quran were not revealed to the Holy Prophet SAAW,
but he has been informed about them. Thus Holy Prophet did not understand
the meaning of Ibne Maryam, Dajjal, Donkey of Dajjal, Gog and Magog, Daabatul
(Izala-e-Auham, Roohani
Khazain vol.3 p.473)
"The Islam (of Holy Prophet) started like
a new moon and it was destined to become (during the time of Mirza) like
a full moon."
(Roohani Khazain vol.16
"And it is obvious that the Fath-e-Mubeen
(Distinct Victory) came during the time of our Prophet and another Victory
remained, which is much greater and more obvious; and it was destined that
its time would be the period of Promised Messiah."
(Roohani Khazain vol.16
Following poetry was recited in front of Mirza
Ghulam by a follower. Mirza is reported to have said: 'JazakAllah' and
after having written it in beautiful calligraphy, hung it in his house.
"Muhammad has descended again amongst us
and is greater in his glory than before
He who wants to see Muhammad in perfection
Should look at Ghulam Ahmad in Qadian."
(Qazi Zahoor Ahmad Akmal
Qadiani, printed in Qadiani Newspaper Paigham-us Sulh dated 14th March
"The mental development of the Promised
Messiah (i.e. the Mirza of Qadian) was higher than that of the Holy Prophet
(pbuh). And this is only a part of the superiority which the Promised Messiah
has over the Holy Prophet. The mental faculties of the Holy Prophet could
not manifest fully owing to the deficiency of civilization; although the
ability existed. They have now manifested themselves fully through the
Promised Masih by virtue of the advancement of civilization."
(Review of Religions, May
1929, Qadiani Mazhab, p.266, 9th Ed. Lahore)
Mirza further degrades Holy
Prophet Muhammad SAAW
Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW did not understand
the correct meaning of Surah AlZilzal. (Roohani Khazain vol.3 pp.166-167)
Holy Prophet's revelation also turned out to be
false. (Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.472)
Holy Prophet SAAW has also committed mistakes
in understanding revelations. (Roohani Khazain 2 vol. 2 p.224)
Grave of the Holy Prophet is one of the Most Sacred
site for Muslims all over the world. This is how Mirza humiliates it (May
Allah and His Messenger forgive me for quoting such profanity):
"And God chose such a DESPICABLE PLACE to
bury the Holy Prophet (pbuh) which is EXTREMELY STINKING and DARK and CRAMPED
and was the PLACE of the EXCRETA of INSECTS…"
(Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.205)
Claims to be the FINAL PROPHET
Having reached this far, it was not surprising
that he claimed to be THE FINAL PROPHET.
"Time and again I have said that according
to the verse 'wa aakhareena minhum lamma yalhaqoo behim - and others of
them who have not yet joined them..'(al-Quran 62:3) in BUROOZI form (translated
by qadianis as Image/Alter-ego/Counter-type) I am the same prophet, the
KHATUM-UL-ANBIYA (Last of the Prophets). And twenty years ago God named
me Muhammad and Ahmad in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, and declared that I am the
Holy Prophet's (pbuh) incarnation. Thus my prophethood in no way clashes
with the status of Holy Prophet pbuh as the Last of Prophets, because shadow
is inseparable from the original. Since I am Muhammad in a 'shadowy way',
thus this way the Seal of the Last of the Prophets is not broken, because
the prophethood of Muhammad (pbuh) remained with Muhammad."
(Mirza Ghulam in Ek Ghalti
Ka Izala, Roohani Khazain vol.18, p.212)
"Blessed is he who has recognised me. Of all the
paths to God I am the Last Path, and of all his Lights, I am the last Light.
Unfortunate is he who forsakes me, because without me all is darkness".
(Kashti-e-Nooh, Roohani Khazain,
vol.19, p.61)
"I am the only one selected in this Ummah to get
the name of 'Prophet '. No one else deserved this name.... and it was bound
to happen... so that as mentioned in the Sahih Hadith that 'there will
be only one such person', that prophecy is fulfilled."
(Haqeeqatul Wahi, Roohani Khazain
vol. 22 p.407)
"The Prophethood ended on our Prophet (pbuh).
Therefore after Him there is no Prophet except who has been illuminated
by His Light and who has been made His inheritor by God. Know that Finality
was given to Muhammad (pbuh) since the Beginning; and then given to him
(i.e. Mirza) who was taught by His Spirit and made His shadow. Thus blessed
is the one who taught and blessed is the one who learned (i.e. Mirza).
Thus FINALITY was destined for the SIXTH MILLENEUM, which is the sixth
day in the days of God...... Thus the Promised Messiah was born in the
SIXTH Millenium."
(Zamima Khutba Ilhamiah, Roohani
Khazain vol 16 p. 310)
Mirza Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam writes:
"Thus only one person got the status of Prophethood
in the Ummah of Muhammad....except for the Promised Messiah (Mirza) no
one followed Holy Prophet to such perfection to be called the Shadow of
Holy Prophet. Therefore only Promised Messiah was chosen to be called the
(Kalimat Al-Fasl, Review of
Religions, Qadian, p.116, No.3, vol. 14)
Official Qadiani Magazine wrote:
"These quotations prove that except for the
Promised Messiah no one else can be a Prophet...After Holy Prophet (pbuh)
only one Prophet was necessary and the coming of too many Prophets would
have hindered the Wisdom and Schemes of God."
(Tasheed-ul-azhan, Qadian,
No.8, vol.12, p.11 dated August 1917)
Mirza flays Islam
"Probably in the year 1906, at the proposal
of Khwaja Kamaluddin, Moulvi Muhammad Ali entered into an agreement with
the Editor of Akhbar-e-Watan to the effect that the Review of Religions
would publish no articles about the (Qadiani) sect; it would only publish
general articles on Islam and the Editor of the Watan would propagate in
his paper for the assistance of the Journal, Review of Religions. The promised
Masih disapproved this proposal and it was strongly opposed by the Jamaat
also. Hazrat Sahib said:
'Will you present dead Islam before the world
by excluding me?"
(Zikr-e-Habib by Mufti Muhammad
Sadiq Qadiani page 146, First Edition)
"We believe that a religion which does not have
the continuity of Prophethood (as in Islam) is a dead religion. We call
the religions of the Jews, the Christians and the Hindus dead only because
now there are no prophets in them. If this were the position in Islam too,
we would be no more than mere storytellers. Why do we regard it superior
to other religions? It must have some distinction".
(Malfoozat-e-Mirza, Vol. 10,
page 127)
"That religion is no religion and that
prophet is no prophet by following whom a man does not come so close to
God as to be honoured with divine conversation. That religion is ACCURSED
and CONTEMPTIBLE which teaches that human progress depends only on a few
narrated anecdotes (i.e. stories in Holy Quran and the Shari'at-e-Muhammadia
which is narrated from the Holy Prophet pbuh - Compiler) and that the 'WAHI'
has lagged behind instead of going ahead......hence such a religion deserves
to be called SATANIC rather than divine religion."
(Zamima Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya,
Part V, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 21, p. 306)
"How absurd and false it is to believe that after
the Holy Prophet (pbuh) the door of the divine 'wahi' has been closed for
ever and there is no hope of it in the future till the Day of Resurrection
- just worship the stories. Can a religion having no direct trace of Almighty
Allah be called a religion? . . . . . I say, by Almighty God, that in this
age there is no one more fed up than myself with such a religion. I name
such a religion as Satanic religion and not Rehmani (divine) and I believe
that such religion guides towards Hell and keeps one blind in life and
till death."
(Zamima Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya,
Part V, Roohani Khazain, Vol.21, p354)
"Quran is God's Book and words of my mouth."
(Advertisement dated 15th
March 1897, Roohani Khazain vol.22 p.87)
When Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was challenged that his
writings contain abusive remarks about his opponents, he declared that
Quran is also full of filthy words and enumerated several words in Quran
as being filthy according to current standards.
(Roohani Khazain vol.3 p.115-117)
Alterations in
the Holy Quran:
There are several manners in which
it can be done:
Alteration in text.
Alteration in its meanings/translations.
Alteration in the application of verses.
Canceling certain orders of Quran.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had been guilty
of performing all four crimes. Whereas he has not changed the Arabic text
in the Holy Quran, but when he has quoted such text in his various books,
he has DELIBRATELY ALTERED some of the Arabic text. Examples of such can
be viewed here.
Well known example of the alteration in the
meanings of Holy Quran is the verse 3:144 regarding the FINALITY OF PROPHETHOOD.
Since the dawn of Islam, right from Holy Prophet Muhammad
till today all Muslims have always considered it to be an unequivocal announcement
of the Finality of Prophethood. Even Mirza Ghulam Ahmad during the early
years had the same belief. However later on when his views changed, he
gave this fantastic explanation that Prophethood of Muhammad
not the SEAL of FINALITY but a SEAL of APPROVAL for future Prophets, as
if ALLAH, who had sent 124,000 Prophets has now delegated the responsibility
to Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW. Yet he claimed that he is the ONLY next
PROPHET, the Last Light among all the lights of Allah. In other words,
all those mind boggling explanations he gave in his books for this verse
was just a ploy to justify his claims of prophethood. He opens the door
of KHATME NABUWWAT, enters it and then once again closes it. Isn't it a
worst example of pilferage?
Similarly readers must have read above
how the application of verses Glorifying Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW have
been changed by Mirza and applied onto himself.
ABROGATION of JEHAD by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is
a conspicuous example of tampering with the laws of Quran. On the contrary
Ahmadiyya literature denies that their founder ever abrogated Jehad. Just
a few quotations would suffice here:
"From today human Jehad which is done by sword,
is being ABROGATED by the order of GOD. From now on, anyone who lifts a
sword on a Kaafir and calls himself a Ghazi, he is disobeying that Messenger
SAAW, who had informed 1300 years ago that after the coming of Promised
Messiah all Jehads with sword will end. Thus now after my arrival THERE
IS NO JEHAD WITH SWORD. From our side we have raised the flag of Peace
and Friendliness."
(Collection of Advertisement
p.295, vol.3)
"From my early age till now when I am 65 years
of age, I have been engaged , with my pen and tongue, in an important task
to turn the hearts of Muslims towards the true love & Goodwill &
sympathy for the British Government and to obliterate the idea of Jehad
from the hearts of stupid (Muslims)."
(Kitab-ul-Bariyah, Roohani Khazain vol
13 p.350)
" . . for the sake of British Government, I have
published & distributed 50,000 leaflets in this country (India) other
Islamic countries(against jehad). . . . the result is that hundreds of
thousands of people have given up their filthy ideas about Jihad."
(Roohani Khazain vol 15 p.114)
Mirza and the Muslims
Some one asked a question about Muslims and Mirza
gave a following reply that is worth reading. Both are mentioned in his
book, Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi.:
"Question: Huzoor-e-aali has mentioned
in thousands of places that it is not at all right to call KAFIR a Kalima-go
(one who recites a Kalima) and an Ahle-Qibla. It is quite obvious that
except those Momineen who become Kafir by rejecting you, just by not accepting
you, no one becomes a Kafir. But you write to Abdul Hakeem Khan that anyone
who has received my message and he has not accepted me, he is not Muslim.
There is contradiction between this statement and the statements in previous
books. Earlier in Tiryaq-ul-Quloob etc you had mentioned that no one becomes
Kafir by not accepting you and now you are writing that by rejecting me
he becomes a Kafir.
Answer: This is strange that you consider
the person who rejects me and the person who calls me Kafir as two different
persons, whereas in the eyes of God he is the same type; because he who
does not accept me is because he considers me a fabricator.... apart from
this, he who does not accept me, he does not believe in God and His Prophet
as well, because there is God92s and his Prophet's prophecy regarding me"
(Haqeeqat-ul-Wahi, Roohani
Khazain vol.22 p.167)
"Except for the CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTE, whose
hearts have been sealed by God, everyone else believes in me and has accepted
(Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam, Roohani
Khazain vol.5 p.547)
"God has revealed to me that anyone to whom my
message has reached and he has not accepted me, he is not a Muslim."
(Letter of Mirza to Dr. Abdul
Hakeem Khan Patialvi)
"I have God's inspiration that he who does not
follow you and will not enter your Ba'ith and remain your opponent, he
is disobedient of God and His Prophet, Hellish."
(Advertisement in M'ayaar-ul-Akhyar
by Mirza Ghulam p.8)
"Thus remember as God has informed me, it is forbidden
and absolutely forbidden to pray behind any disbeliever and hesitant; but
is should be that your imam should be one of you."
(Arbaeen No 3, Roohani Khazain
vol.17 p.417 footnote)
Dear Readers!
I hope that by now you have a clear picture of
what this man stands for. Claims of his intoxication with love of Prophet
of Islam is just a ploy to attract innocent, unsuspecting and ignorant
Muslims into the fold of Ahmadiyyat. The questions that you should be asking
yourself are:
Are these quotations presented in this book true?
If so, then has he really praised Syedna Muhammad
SAAW or Slandered him?
Can such a person be a sane man
If so, does such a person deserve to be called a
Why is Ahmadiyya Movement hiding this aspect of their
Why is Ahmadiyya Movement so anxious to portray Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad as a truly devout follower and devotee of Holy Prophet SAAW?
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad declares his position in the
following poetry:
I am an earthworm My dear! Not a human being,
I am the obscene part of men and the shameful
place of humans
(Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya V, Roohani
Khazain vol.21 p.127)
May Allah show
the light of Islam to all those who have been led astray by this fraudulent
propaganda in the name of Islam. May Allah protect the faith of all Muslims
from such deceptions. Ameen.
Peace be upon those who follow the right path.
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
PO Box 11560, Dibba Fujairah United Arab Emirates
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