Bismillah Ar-Rehman Ar-Raheem
Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
Sept 14, 2011
by Abdur Rehman Kondu
Praise be to Him and peace be upon His Merciful Prophet. Allah says in Quran-e-Hakeem:
بَل رَّفَعَهُ اللّهُ إِلَيْهِ وَكَانَ اللّهُ عَزِيزًا حَكِيمًا (4:158)
and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:- Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-
Meaning that the truth is that those (Jews and Christians) who dispute about Hazrat Eisa (whether he was killed by crucifixion and execution or raised to heavens), they do not have correct knowledge about this incident, only unreal stories and baseless conjectures (which they follow). Correct and absolute fact is that they did not slay him (nor they crucified him) rather Allah him unto Himself and Allah is Exalted in Power and Wise (who accomplished all this with His absolute power and wisdom.).
The belief of bodily life of Hazrat Eisa and his descent from heavens is not a controversial belief of Muslims, rather it is a unanimous belief which is proven by Quran, Hadith and consensus of ummah. There are more than 100 Ahadith of Huzoor SallAllaho alaihe wassalam, Sahaba and Taba'een on this issue.
Thus Imam Abul Hasan Ash'ari writes:
"Ummah is united on it that Allah raised up Eisa AS towards heaven." (Kitab ul Abana p.46. printed in Hyderabad)
Allama Abu Hayyan Andulasi quotes Ibne Atiya:
"Ummat is united which is proven by consistent Ahadith that Hazrat Eisa is alive in heaven and he will descend at the end of time." (Tafseer alBahr alMuheet vol2 p.473)
Famous Mufassir of quran Allama Ibne Katheer writes:
"It is evident from consistent Ahadith that Messenger of Allah (SallAllaho alaihe wassalam) has informed the ummah of the descent of Hazrat Eisa before qiyamah." (Tafseer ibne Katheer vol.4 p.132)
Famous Muhaddith Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Naumani RA says:
"The meaning of this consistency is that in 50 works of Hadith with different authorities and under different headings these Ahadith about Descent of Maseeh is narrated by so many Companions (RA), that (even apart from their companionship) logically rationally as well it cannot be doubted that they have colluded with each other (naoozobillah) to accuse Holy Prophet of it or all of them had misunderstood Huzoor (SallAllaho alaihe wassalam). Likewise the number of those who narrated from Companions and then those who narrated from them in every section and period kept on increasing to such an extent that purely on rational and logical ground there can be no doubts." (Why Qadianis are not Muslim p.80. printed AlFurqan Book Depo, Lakhnow)
Shaikhul Islam Ibne Taymiyah has written in 4 volumes a well researched book in rejection of Christianity 'Al-Qaul al-Sahih leman badal Deen Al-Maseeh', which according to Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi "holds a prominent place not only on this topic but also among the books of Imam Ibne Taymiyah" (Tareekh-e-Dawat o Azeemat, vol.2 p.286). In this book in places he has shed light on the life and decent of Eisa. For instance at one place he writes:
"Muslims say that he (Eisa) will descend before Qiyamah." (Al-Qaul al-Sahih leman badala Deen Al-Maseeh. vol.1 p.341)
Muhaddith-e-Jalil Allama Qazi Muhammad bin Ali Shaukani (Rehmatullah alaih) has written an incredibly productive journal named “Al-Tawheed fi Tawatir ma jaa’ fi al-Muntadhir wa le Dajaal wa al-Maseeh”. This journal is a collection of 29 Ahadith that are related to the belief in the descent of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam). Allama Jalaluddin Siyouti (rahmatullah) has also discussed the same topic in his journal “Al a’laam bihikmi Isa Alaihisalam” in which he has written: “Inna Eisa (alayhisalam) heen yanzil qurb al-qiyamah yahkum be-shariyah nabina ....” (Aqeedatul Islam by Mawlana Anwar Shah Kashmiri page 9) meaning that at a time closer to the Day of Judgment, Prophet Eisa (alayhi-ssalam) will descend and will make judgments based on the Shariat of Prophet Muhammad.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani denied this agreed upon belief and consensus within the Muslim Ummah and claimed that the coming of the Messiah that is mentioned in the Quran and Hadith is the messiah himself and that Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) ibn Maryam has passed away. Also, Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) was not raised up to the heavens, but instead is buried in a town named Khanyar in Kashmir and the grave in the tomb named Yuz Asef in Khanyar is in reality the grave of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam).
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani has himself continually written books on the issue of death of Eisa (AS) and had written many articles in various magazines. He has in passing expressed his belief in some of his other books as well. The following books of Mirza Qadiani are specially worth mentioning in this regards:
Books of Mirza Qadiani:
Messiah Hindustan Mein (Jesus in India)
Satt Bachan
Dhamima Braheen-e-Ahmadiyyah part 5
Nuzul-ul-Masih fi Aakhir al-Zamaan
Shahadatul-Qur’an ala Messih al-Mawoud fi Aakhir al-Zamaan
Haqiqatul-Wahi Aasmani Nishaan fi Ta’eed Messih al-Zamaan
And so on.
Apart from the above listed books, followers, victims and
supporters of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and other people have written several
books, journals and articles by to back up and support Mirza Qadiani by using
their own fanciful explanations of Quranic verses and Hadiths of Prophet
Muhammad. And to count all these is a very difficult
task. Below is description of some of these books.
Misleading Books:
Seerat Maseeh-e-Moud by Molvi Abdul Kareem Qadian
Messiah (as) Kashmir Mein by Muhammad Asadullah Qureshi Kashmiri printed in Pakistan 1978
Asal-e-Mussaffa 2 volumes by Mirza Khuda Bakhsh Qadiani
Wafaat-e-Maseeh Nasiri az Quran-o-Hadith by Qamaruddin Qadiani
Al-Maseeh al_Mowood wal Imam Al-Mahdi al-Masood by Nizamuddin, Muballigh Jamaat Ahmadiyya Kashmir.
Maseeh-e-Mowood by Molvi Muhammad Ali Qadiani
Khilafat-e-Mahmoud o Musleh Mowood by Qasim Ali Qadiani
In 1936, renowned Qadiani preacher Mufti Muhammad Saadiq wrote a book named ‘Qabr-e-Maseeh’ in which the author has attempted to prove the inhabitants of Kashmir are in reality of Bani Israel origin.
Khwajah Nazir Ahmad Lahori has written a mammoth book in English language, its name is “Jesus in Heaven on Earth”. This book was first printed in 1952 and since then it has been reprinted repeatedly all over the world. Khawaja Nazir Ahmad was the son of the well-known Qadiani preacher Khawaja Kamaluddin Lahori, who had significantly contributed towards spreading Qadianism all over the world. Above mentioned Khawaja Nazir Ahmad has put in a lot of efforts to compile this book and has used all devilish methods in an attempt to misguide the reader. That is why, this book is an extremely misleading book and due to this reason Qadianis are trying to propagate this book on a larger scale all over the world. Several educated people have been impressed by this book which include names of several so-called intellectuals.
On the same topic, Sufi Moti-ur-Rehman Bengali has also written a book named: “The Tomb of Jesus”. This book has been published in 1946 from New York.
Molvi Jalaluddin Shams Qadiani has written a book by the name of “Where did Jesus die?”
Mirza Wasim Ahmad Qadiani has also written a book by the name of “Latest Findings about Jesus".
In 1976, a German philosopher Mr. Andreas Faber Kaiser wrote a book named “Jesus died in Kashmir”, in which he agreed with the qadiani stand and wrote that Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) came to Kashmir and passed away and later on he was buried in Roza-e-Bal Khaniyar. After the publication of this book many discussions regarding Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) started to rise within the Christians of the world. Thus many Christians started to visit this tomb in Khaniyar.
A Russian tourist, Notovich Nicholas has also written a book by the name of “The Life of Saint Issa” that was published in New York in 1890.
Editor of newspaper ‘Roshni’ Sirinagar, Aziz Kashmiri has written two books, “Maseeh Kashmir Mein” in Urdu and
the other “Christ in Kashmir” in English. But actually all the arguments of both of these books have ultimately been derived from books of Mufti Muhammad Saadiq and Khwajah Nazir Ahmad. Apart from these two books, this person has taken out several special editions of his newspaper “Roshni” on this topic.
Dr. Aziz Ahmad Quraishi had written a book named ‘Israr-e-Kashmir’ (Mysteries of Kashmir) that was first published in 1964. And now a book trader in Kashmir has published exactly the same book by the name of ‘Tareekh-e-Tamudun Kashmir’ (‘History of Culture of Kashmir’).
In the above-mentioned book, Dr. Aziz Quraishi has concocted a lengthy dream whose summary was that in the dream the author was told that the grave by the name of “Youz Asef” which is present in (Rozabal Khaniyar) is actually the grave of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam). (pp 395-400)
On page 363, this person has written that through inspiration he was informed of the graves of Prophet Moses (alayhisalam) and Prophet Harun (alayhisalam) in Kashmir.
At the end of this book Dr. Quraishi has listed a lengthy bibliography, but in reality all of these “researches" are based upon Mirza Qadiani’s book “Maseeh Hindustan Mein”, Mufti Muhammad Saadiq’s book “Qabr-e-Maseeh” and the above mentioned book of Khwajah Nazir Ahmad. Therefore, Aziz Quraishi has, like other crafty qadianis Khwajah Nazir Ahmad and Mufti Muhammad Saadiq, repeated the arguments that since there are much similarities and likeness between the culture and civilization of Kashmiris and Bani Isra’el therefore Kashmiris belong to Bani Israel race. As a proof he has written that many of the names of the places and towns in Kashmir are either of Hebrew origin or very close to Hebrew language; castes of Kashmiris are the castes of Israelis; also items like ‘rouf’,‘khachu’, ‘chappoo’, ‘taboot’, ‘zachoro’, ‘liwas’, ‘qulchay’, ‘qasai ki churi’ and many other items closely resemble the culture and civilization of Israel. Moreover, Kashmiris generally do not eat animal fat and butter and that is similar to the custom of Israelis. etc.
Professor Fida Muhammad Hasnain, together with a foreign national Mr. Dahan Levi, has written a book named “The Fifth Gospel”. This book of 320 pages, has been printed in 1988 for first time.
It is obvious from this book that the author has a deep reverence for Sant (hindu devotee), Sadhu (hindu holy person), Faqir, Budh Lama and majzoobs and that is why Nanda Mitu, Lassa Mitu, Sultan Mito, Swami Lakshman Ju etc. are his much favored personalities.
The late popular Shah Karalawari has well said:
Chars te bangah chit yus nanga pheeri
Karan tas parh dapan yi gayah faqeeri
(meaning that if a person roams around naked after drinking marijuana and potion of hemp, and the (ignorant/gullible) people who are observing will be impressed and will consider him a Dervish).
Apart from the above-mentioned book, Professor Hasnain has written another book in English language on the same topic named “A Search for the Historical Jesus”. This book of 246 pages was first published in 1994.
Payam Shahjahanpuri has published a book on this topic, named “Maseeh ki Hindi Injeel” (“Indian Gospel of Jesus”)
Ex-Head of the History department of Kashmir University, Dr. Muhammad Yasin, in collaboration with his wife Dr. Madhawi Yasin, has compiled a 40-page book in English language on this topic, its name is “Rauzabal and other mysteries of Kashmir”. This book was printed in 1972. An excerpt of the epilogue is as follows:
“The earthly remains of Jesus Christ lie buried in Srinagar, Kashmir. Truth has revealed itself. It will be the greatest injustice to Jesus to forsake him only because that it has been so far believed that he was in heaven physically. He is in heaven, no doubt, but spiritually.” (Page 33)
Due to the backing of anti-Islamic forces in the past few years, Qadianis have become more active again all over the world. And since the foundation of Qadianism is on the death of Jesus (alayhisalam), now and then these people publish books, pamphlets, journals and magazines on this topic.
Some time back Qadianis have also published a book by the name of 'Hazrat Maseeh in Mashreq'.
Recently Anjuman-e-Ahmadiyya Qadian has published a booklet by the name of “Jesus in Kashmir” in English which they have widely distributed in Kashmir. On its page 8, it is written:
“Thus Jesus completed his mission, died a natural death and was buried in Srinagar, Kashmir. On Divine revelation and subsequent research, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, located his tomb in the Khanyar Street of the city of Srinagar where it can still be visited. This discovery has dispelled any doubts as to the fact that Jesus did not die on the Cross and has removed all uncertainty which had enshrouded the life of Jesus for many centuries.”
Islamic Scholars have done a scholarly analysis of all Qadiani books in their respective times and have exposed their deception and fraud. Therefore, till now truthful scholars have written countless books on the issue of the rejection of Qadianism. Below we will list only those renowned books that are either just related to the Life of Jesus (alayhisalam) and Descent of Jesus (alayhisalam) or those books that have exposed the truth that the tomb by the name of Yuz Asef that is present in the town of Khanyar in Srinagar is not even remotely related to Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam).
“Al-Haq as-Sareeh fi Isbaat Hayat-al-Maseeh” by Allama Maulana Muhammad Bashir Sahib Sehswani (died 1326 A.H.). This book is actually a detailed account of the written debate on the topic of life and death of Maseeh (alayhisalam) that took place between Allama Sehswani and Mirza Qadiani. This debate took place in 1891. In October 1891, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad invited through advertisement Shaykh-al-kul Mian Nazir Hussain Muhaddith Dehalvi (rehmatullah alaihe) for a debate. Allama Sehswani came to Delhi from Bhopal and had a scholarly debate with Mirza Qadiani about the bodily ascent of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) and forced Mirza to leave Delhi. This book is now not available. Rector of Jamia Salafiyya Banaras, respected Maulana Dr. Muqtada Hasan Azhari Sahib has very kindly provided me a photo estate copy of this rare book.
“Al-Khitab al-Maleeh fi Tehqeeq al-Mahdi wal-Maseeh” by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rehmatullah alaihe).
In 1903, someone by the name of Munshi Karam Khan, sent a questionnaire to Hazrat Thanwi (rehmatullah) in which he mentioned those views of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani in which Mirza had rejected the established belief regarding the life and descent of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) and has reasoned the death of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam). In this journal, Hazrat Thanwi (rehmatullah alaihe) has given satisfactory replies to all the questions to the above-mentioned querist and at the end of this risalah, Hazrat Thanwi (rehmatullah) has also added a brief article on the refutation of Qadianism.
In reply to the first question, Hazrat Thanwi (rehmatullah) has written:
“The exegesis of Rabwa is done with Damascus or Palestine or Bait-ul-Maqdas, that is some place in Syria. There is no reason to relate it to Kashmir and even if I come down to the level and say that if his (Jesus) coming to the Kashmir is accepted, still what has that got to do with the basic claim of rejecting the bodily ascent to the heavens? Does it negate going back (to Palestine) after the trip to Kashmir and then ascend to heaven? As for the claim of having a grave there, inferences, baseless conjectures and folklores has no place in front of testimony of Shariah." (p. 4)
This booklet is unavailable. I have obtained a photostat copy of this booklet from the library of Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema Lakhnow.
“Al-Tasreeh bema Tawatir fi Nuzool al-Maseeh” by Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri (rehmatullah alaihe). A few years ago, was published and distributed from Beirut by a great Scholar named Shaykh Abdul Fatah Abu Ghada (rehmatullah alaihe) of Allepo, Syria, this book with footnotes and explanations and there is no doubt that this is an important book on the life and descent of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam).
“Aqeedat-ul-Islam fi Hayat Eisa alayhisalam” by Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri (rehmatullah alaihe)
“Tahyat-ul-Islam fi Hayat Eisa alayhisalam” by Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri (rehmatullah alaihe)
“Tawdheeh-ul-Kalam fi Athbaat-e-Hayat-e-Eisa alayhisalam” by Maulana Nizamuddin Sahib Kohati. The distinguishing feature of this book is that the answer to every doubt of Mirzais is given by Mirzai sources.
“Al-Ibraah al-Nazirah fi Nuzool Eisa alayhisalam Qabl al-Aakhirah” (Arabic) by Allama Zahid al-Kawthari Misri.
“Kalematullah fi Hayat Ruh Allah” (Urdu) by Maulana Muhammad Idris Kandahalvi. Allama Anwar Shah Kashmiri (rehmatullah) has written side notes on this book.
“Al-Jawab al-Fasih le Munkir Hayat al-Maseeh” by Maulana Badr Alam Meerathi Muhajir Madni. This is an unparalleled book on this topic in which Qadiani arguments have been refuted in a scholarly and erudite manner. Since the author is a special student of Allama Kashmiri (rehmatullah alaihe) this book reflects the knowledge of Allama Kashmiri. A major portion of this book covers the exegesis and interpretation of the word 'tawaffa' (death).
& 11 “Descent of Eisa (alayhisalam)” by Maulana Badr Alam Meerathi. Actually in a chapter in part 3 of his masterpiece book “Tarjuman al-Sunnah”, the author wrote a detailed and well researched article on the bodily ascent and descent from heavens of Prophet Eisa alayhisalam, which later got published in Pakistan by the above mentioned name. Syed Aqeel Muhammad translated this into the English and published it meticulously by the title of 'Descension of Jesus Christ' in 1963 in Karachi, Pakistan. In Madinah Munawara, Maulana Badr Alam Sahib’s (rehmatullah alaihe) son Maulana Aftab Alam Meerathi hafezahAllah had very kindly gave me a copy of this book.
In this book, Maulana Badr Alam Sahib has given astounding answers to all objections, doubts and misconceptions of all disbelievers of life of Prophet Isa (alayhisalam).
“Maseeh Mowud ki Pehchaan” by Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi (former Grand Mufti of Pakistan)
“Masala-e-Nuzool-e-Maseeh-o-Hayat-e-Maseeh” by Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani. This is an unparalleled booklet in which of life and death of Prophet Eisa alayhisalam) has been impressed on minds of reader in simple words. This is a very useful booklet for public and scholars alike.
“Alamaat-e-Qiyamat aur Nuzool-e-Maseeh” by Maulana Muhammad Rafi’ Uthmani
“Tafzeeh al-Dajjal” by Syed Ulfat Hussain Sahib Shikarpuri
“Al-Ibtaal Le Istadlal al-Dajjal” by Maulana Mutaza Hassan Chandpuri
“Al-Qaul Al-Sahih fi Makayad Al-Maseeh” by Maulana Muhammad Sahool Sahib. This is actually a long Fatwa that has been signed by not only all the great Deobandi scholars but also by all the renowned scholars of India.
Kitaab al-Zahoor Mukamal alias “Qiyaam-e-Mehdi-o-Nazool-e-Eisa alayhisalam” by Shaykh Sufi Allah Ditta Naqshbandi Al-Mujaddidi
“Haqeeqat al-Maseeh o Meear Al-Maseeh” by Maulana Syed Abu Ahmad Rahmani Kanpuri
“Irshaad al-Nabi fi Ahwaal al-Mehdi wal-Maseeh” by Shah Muhammad Murad Hashmi Multani
“Bal ilhaam Tasheeh fi Athbaat Hayat al-Maseeh” by Mufti Muhammad Pir Ghulam Rasool
“Hayat-e-Maseeh” by Qazi Ashraf Hussain Rehmani
“A’laa’ al-Haq al-Sareeh be Takzeeb Maseel al-Maseeh” by Maulana Muhammad Ismail. In this book there are detailed discussion regarding the life and descent of Prophet Eisa alayhisalam.
“Al-Qaul al-Mubram fi Hayat al-Maseeh bin Maryam” by Maulana Muhammad Ali Raza Rampuri. In this booklet, the author has given impressive explanations of several Quranic verses and Hadiths and has forcefully refuted the false claims of Mirza Qadiani.
“Shams-ul-Hidayat fi Ithbaat Hayat al-Maseeh” (Urdu) by Pir Mehr Ali Shah (rehmatullah alaihe). In this book, the author has smashed the mystical image of Mirza.
“Saif-e-Chistiyaee” by Pir Mehr Ali Shah (rehmatullah alaihe). Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rehmatullah alaihe) has written in his commentary of Bayan al-Quran that the book “Saif-e-Chistiyaee” is a worth reading book in the discussion regarding life and death of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam).
“Al-Maseeh al-Dajjal” by Dr. Abdul Hakim Khan. In this book, the learned author has demolished the entire the basis of Qadianiyat and has done a complete analysis of Mirza and his false claims.
“Hidayat-ul-Mumtari an Ghawayat-ul-Muftari” by Maulana Abdul Ghani Patialwi Sum Shahjahanpuri.
“Hasool al-Amani fi ar-Rad Talbees al-Qadiani” by Maulana Manzoor Ahmed Chinioti (Pakistan). This book has been previously published by the name “Radde-Mirza’iat”. In the fourth chapter of this book, the author has shed detailed light on the ascent and descent of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam).
“Al-Dala’il al-Bahirah fi Nuzool-e-Eisa bin Maryam at-Tahirah” by Maulana Hafiz Muhammad Iqbal Rangooni. In this book the sayings of those learned scholars regarding belief on the life and descent of Prophet Eisa have been quoted on whose knowledge Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani himself has agreed upon.
Pakistan’s famous writer Dr. Mahmood Ahmed Ghazi has written a nice book on this topic in English, its name is “Second coming of Jesus Christ.”
“Shahadat-ul-Quran” volume 2, by Allama Ibrahim Mir Sialkoti (rehmatullah). On this subject, this is a unique and an unparalleled book. Hence, it is part of the educational curriculum of Dar-ul-uloom Deoband.
“Kasar al-Saleeb” by Maulana Ibrahim Mir Sialkoti (rehmatullah alaihe). This is also a very significant book in this respect.
“Al-Khabar al-Sahih un al-Qabr al-Maseeh” by Allama Ibrahim Mir Sialkoti (rehmatullah alaihe). This is an important booklet of Maulana on the topic under discussion. In this booklet discussion with proofs from Quranic verses, ahadith of Holy Prophet sayings of previous scholarshas been given regarding the grave of Prophet Eisa and his sacred place of burial. And in doing so, the author has strongly refuted the saying of Mirza Qadiani that “The grave of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) is in the city of Sirinagar in Kashmir.” This booklet is currently unavailable. My brother Maulvi Ahmad may on him be salaam, son of late Maulana Muhammad Nuruddin Saheb, has very kindly provided me with photocopy of this rare booklet.
Allama Ibrahim Mir Sialkoti (rehmatullah alaihe) was a prestigious commentator and muhaddith of the province of Panjab in United India. He was the righteous student of Shaykh-ul-Kul Mian Nazir Hussain Muhaddith Dehlvi (rehmatullah alaihe). He spent his life doing Jihad against all misguided sects.
35 - 36 - 37. Mian Pir Baksh Lahori has written several useful booklets on this topic. Among them “Al-Istadlal al-Sahih fi Hayat al-Maseeh”, “Rifa’a Hazrat Eisa (alayhisalam) wa Abtaal Wafaat-e-Maseeh” and “Tardeed-e-Qabr Maseeh dar Kashmir” are specially worthy of mention. Three articles by the name “Tardeed-e-Qabr Maseeh dar Kashmir” of the author were published in his monthly magazine that later got published in book form as “Tehqeeq-e-Sahih fi Tardeed-e-Qabr-e-Maseeh (alayhisalam).” This booklet is also now out of print. Respected Maulana Muhammad Marghoob-ur-Rahman Sahib (Warden of Dar-ul-uloom Deoband) has very kindly provided a photo state copy of this booklet.
“Hazrat Maseeh (alayhisalam) ki Qabr Kashmir Mein Nahin” by Molvi Habibullah Amratsari (rehmatullah alaihe). This is a very scholarly book, well researched, on the topic under discussion.
To the translation of Quran by Shaykh-ul-Hind Maulana Mahmood Hassan (rehmatullah alaihe), Allama Shabir Ahmed Uthmani (rehmatullah), after writing the explanation “rabwati zaati qarar wa ma’een” on the side note, he writes:
“If there is a need to investigate this grave and that who really was “Yuz Asef” then one should take a look at the Janab Munshi Habibullah Sahib Amratsari’s booklet which was specially written after great research and great effort on this issue and has completely proven false this idea. May Allah reward on behialf of entire muslims, the best reward.” (Fawaid Uthmani Page 459 printed in Madinah Munawarah). This booklet is also unavailable. Respected brother Molvi Rehmatullah Mir Qasmi very kindly provided a photocopy of this booklet.
“Hilyah Maseeh (alayhisalam) ma'a Risalah Aik Ghalti ka Izalah” by Molvi Habib Amratsari (rehmatullah alaihe). This is also an important booklet on the ascent and descent of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam). This was first published in 1353.
“Hazrat Eisa (alayhisalam) ka Rifa’a aur Aamad-e-Thani Hafiz ibn Taymiyah Hirani ki Zabani” by Molvi Habibullah Amratsari (rehmatullah alaihe).
“Hazra Eisa (alayhisalam) ka Hajj Karna aur Mirza Qadiani ka Hajj keh Baghair Marna” by Molvi Habibullah Amratsari (rehmatullah alaihe).
“Nazool al-Maseeh, part 1” by Molvi Habibullah Amratsari (rehmatullah alaihe). 1st edition Amratsar 1352. In this book, explaining the verse (of Quran) “wa’inda ‘ilm al-sa’ah”, the descent of Prophet Eisa AS from the heavens before the Day of Judgment has been proven using the Hadiths of Prophet Muhammad and sayings of the Sahabahs and Tabi’een and refuting the claim of Mirza. This book was first published in 1353 AH.
“Srinagar, Kashmir aur Maseeh-e-Qadiani” This is a brief book refuting the burial of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) in Kashmir which has been written by Maulana Pir Abul Hasan Ghulam Mustafa Sahib. This book was published in 1902 by Muhammad Abdul Aziz Khwaja Dabir, Anjuman Nasrat-ul-Haq Hanifa, Amritsar. A photocopy of this historical booklet was kindly provided to me by Honourable Shabir Ahmed Khan Mewati (owner of Nadwatul-Ma’arifah, Lahore, Pakistan).
“At-Ta’aruf be-Yuz Asef” by Maulana Muhammad Nur-ul-Haq Alwi. This is a unique and well researched booklet on the topic of Yuz Asef and it opens new doors for research in this area. This booklet is currently unavailable. Honourable Maulana Muhammad Arif Sanbhali, ustaz-e-tafsir at Dar-ul-uloom Nadwat-ul-Ulema in Lukhnow, very kindly provided a photocopy of this booklet.
“Halaat-e-Yuz Asef”. This is a few page booklet of the historian of Kashmir and writer of many books, Mufti Muhammad Shah Sa’adat which he wrote in response to the misguiding passage the famous history book “Tareekh-e-Azami” by Khawaja Azam Deedah Mari, under which Mirza Qadiani and his followers were successful in spreading confusion about the tomb of Yuz Asef. With the passage of time, this booklet has also gone out of print. An old decaying copy of this booklet is present in the research library of Kashmir University.
“Maqbara-e-Ahmadiyat” by Abu Zafar M.A.Gorgani.In this rare booklet, the residents of Kashmir, the scholars and the residents of Khaniyar (in Srinagar) have clearly said in their respective statements that no one has ever said or thought that the tomb of Youz Asif is the tomb of Prophet Isa (alayhisalam).
"Sho’lat-un-Naar aur Maqbara-e-Khanyar” by Molvi Abdullah Wakil. This small booklet is written by the same Molvi Abdullah Wakil to whom Mirza Qadiani had entrusted the task of researching the tomb of Yuz Asef in Srinagar. This Wakil was an ardent follower of Mirza. He is the same person who used a vague writing from the history of Azami and got the signatures of prominent people of Srinagar and prepared a document and sent it to to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in Qadian, which after alteration Mirza Qadiani included it in his Arabic book “Al-huda wa-tabsirah le mun yara” and then printed it and distributed it widely in Arab countries. Due to this, misunderstanding about the tomb of Yuz Asef arose all around the world. Even Allama Rasheed Raza Misri (student of Mufti Muhamamad Abduh), Shaykh Shaltoot of Al-Azhar University in Egypt and famous convert Muhammad Asad could not save themselves from this misunderstanding. Later on, this Wakil left Qadianiat and embraced Baha’iat and wrote many books in repudiation of Qadianiat that are now out of print. Booklet "Sho’lat-un-Naar" was also written by Molvi Abdullah Wakil during the same period in which he wrote that it is baseless to say that tomb of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) is in Khaniyar. On page 4 of this booklet, Mr. Wakil has written: “Sunni or Shia Muslims of Kashmir have believed from the beginning that Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam) is in the heavens. They are enemy of Ahmadiyyat (Qadianiat). And no Muslim has ever said nor can he ever say that the tomb of Khaniyar is of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam).”
Since this booklet is of historical importance, that is why it is included as it in this collection, but we do not agree with all of its contents.
It is worthy to mention here to propagate Qadianiyat in Kashmir mostly it was the efforts of Abdullah Lone aka Molvi Abdullah Wakil. Therefore, Kashmiri thinker/intellectual Maulana Muhammad Saeed Masoodi (rehmatullah alaihe) introduces this person by writing:
“Further away from Shopian, (in Tehseel Kolgaam) there is a village, Nasnur. This person (Wakil) was an inhabitant of this place. He was in a habit of adopting new beliefs. In the begining he was of Hanafi madhab. Under the influence of Molvi Hussain Shah Batko Sahib, he became Ahl-e-Hadith and this is a historical fact that for a long time Abdullah Wakil obtained education in Quran Studies from Molvi Hussain Sahib and to a quite extent became a Molvi and proved to be the right hand man of Hussain Sahib in spreading the influence of Jamaat-e-Ahle Hadith in Shopian and surrounding areas. Meanwhile, he also passed Law exams.
During the same period, he got acquainted with Molvi Hakim Nuruddin (who was a frequent visitor in the state as he was the physician of Maharaja Ranbir Singh), then he (Hakim Nuruddin) took him to Qadian to meet Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani where Abdullah Wakil took bait (oath of allegiance) after which he came back and started propagating Qadianiyat. Thus under the influence of Hakim Nuruddin he (Molvi Abdullah Wakil) became Qadiani.
Those who had become Ahle-Hadith under his influence, many of them were influenced by him once again and thus he was successful in creating the mischief of Qadianiat in the area. The Mirzais of Nasnur were also the result of his efforts.
The scholarly conflicts and differences between Molvi Abdullah Wakil and Maulana Anwar Sahib Shopiani (rehmatullah alaihe) are well known affairs about which through the narrations of sons and grandsons of Maulana Anwar Shopiani and the available published and unpublished literature with them, a whole book can be compiled.
After the death of Hakim Nuruddin, he (Molvi Abdullah Wakil) became a Lahori Mirzai under the influence of (Lahori Mirzais) Molvi Muhammad Ali Lahori and Khwaja Kamaluddin. In 1931, due to his mental impasse, he got fed up from Mirzaiyat and embraced Bahaism under the influence of a Sikh Bahai from Lahore. At the time of becoming a victim of Bahaism, he was 90 years of age. And in the last few prior to his death, he had lost his wittiness and intelligence and due to his senseless talk he was considered to be an old demented man and as far as we know the poor fellow died a disbeliever and an aetheist. (We ask Allah to protect us from such a thing by His Mercy).
Maulana Muhammad Saeed Masoodi, Maulana Muhammad Anwar Shopiani, Maulana Abdul Ghani Shopiani, Mir Waiz Maulana Ateequllah, Mir Waiz Maulana Muhammad Yousuf Shah, Maulana Abdul Kabir, Maulana Syed Mirak Shah Andaraby, Maulana Hussain Shah Wafai, Maulana Ghulam Nabi Mubaraki, Maulana Muhammad Qasim Shah Bukhari, Maulana AbdurRahman Nouri, Maulana Muhammad Nuruddin and many other respected scholars had battled with Molvi Abdulllah Wakil on a scholarly level to the point that finally he failed in his pursuits.
Of the above-mentioned scholars, late Maulana Muhammad Nuruddin rehmatullah alaihe (buried in Janat-ul-Baqi'i) was also writing a book on the reality of the tomb of Yuz Asef and the falsehood of Mirza Qadiani that unfortunately was not completed in his lifetime.
Since propaganda efforts of Qadianis have increased in Kashmir for some time now and they have again started misguiding common Muslims about the belief in life and descent of Prophet Eisa (alayhisalam). Thus the need was felt to bring out a well researched book on this topic and on the reality of the tomb of Yuz Asef. Therefore, after giving a lot of consideration and thought, this humble self chose eight important published yet unavailable books. For the time being, to expose the lies of Mirza Qadiani and Mirzais, I have settled to publish these eight books collectively as it is. But there is a need to shed light on the several hidden aspects of this issue. If Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala wishes then a second volume will be published on this topic with further material.
It is necessary here to clarify the fact that it is not necessary that I agree with the opinions expressed by the authors of the booklets included in this volume.
At the end, I pray that Allah Most Merciful make this book helpful for His servants. (Ameen)
Needy and wishing for your prayers, I am
AbdurRahman Kondu
Servant, Jammu and Kashmir Islamic Research Center.
Written on: 12 November 2000
Translated by Ms Bano Aicha
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