False Claimants of Yesteryears and Double Eclipse Ramadhans
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani, founder of Ahmadiyya Movement, claimant
of Mahdi and Messiah, said:
"This sign of (Double Eclipse Ramadhan) has not been
given to any claimant, whether true or false, only given to Promised Mahdi.
If these Cruel Molvis can prove the occurrence of Double Eclipse in the
life of some other claimant, then I will no doubt become a liar."
(Roohani Khazain vol 11 p.332)
During the last 1400 years there have been innumerable claimants, big and
small, some of them during the lifetime of Mirza Ghulam himself. Following
is the list of a few of such claimants:
Dr Alexander Dowie in USA, 1890s.
Mahdi Sudani in Sudan
Mirza Ali Baab in Iran. Claimed to be Mahdi in 1260 AH.
Subhe Azal, the successor of Mirza Ali Baab.
Baha-ullah, successor of Mirza Ali Baab. Both claimed to be Mahdi.
Saleh bin Tarif Burghwati claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 125AH.
After ruling over his people for 47 years, in 174 AH he abdicated the throne
in favour of his son.(AlIstaqsa LAkhbar alMaghrib alAqsa,
see Aimma-e-Tilbees vol 1 p.192)
Abu Mansoor Eisa claimed prophethood and Mahdihood in 341 AH and
ruled over his people for 28 years. (Aimma-e-Tilbees vol
1 p.194)
Abu Ghafeer Mohammed bin M'uaaz. Claimed Mahdihood in 268 AH and
ruled over his people for 29 years.(Aimma-e-Tilbees vol
1 p.194)
Dear Reader!
Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani and his followers have been fooling around
for too long. The myth of 'Heavenly Signs' has now been exposed. Whether
these events proved anything, it is for the reader to decide.
There is one more myth that need to be exposed.
One of the proofs of Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani being the true claimant
is that Mirza Ghulam lived for more than 23 years after claiming prophethood.
Every qadiani/ahmadi believes in it. Mirza Ghulam said:
"If our movement has not been established by God AlMighty then give
me the example from any nation's history that someone has fabricated a
lie upon Allah and he was given time. For us this is enough criterion that
Holy Prophet Rasoolullah SAAW's period (of receiving revelations) was 23
long years. God has given us the same period resemb
ling the period of that Truthful and Perfect Prophet."
(Roohani Khazain, Malfoozat vol 1 p.301)
Readers are kindly requested to note the following points:
Mirza Ghulam claimed prophethood in 1900 and yet he labels his period of
so-called revelation as greater than Holy Prophet Mohammed SAAW.
There is no such criterion for a Prophet to have a period longer than the
previous Prophets. How did Mirza Ghulam deduce that, God only knows!
Had it been so what will one say about all the Prophets who came after
Hazrat Noah (as), who preeched his people for 950 years.
Nevertheless, as mentioned above, there have been several claimants of
prophethood, who ruled their people for long periods and yet they were
to Part IV
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