Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
15th January 2002

Gambian Supreme Islamic Council
declares Ahmadiyya/Qadianiyah Movement as out of the fold of Islam

For decades Jamaat Ahmadiyya has been very active in the African Countries, where they have made many converts by pretending to be Sunn Muslims, and at others times pretending to be belonging to the same Ahmadiyya Tariqa which is well-known in the North African countries. This well-known Ahmadiyya Tariqa is a sufi order of the sunni tariqa that goes back to several hundred years, founded by Syed Ahmed Badawi in Egypt. Shrine if Syed Ahmed Badawi is in Tanta in Egypt but his followers are all over Africa. Jamaat Ahmadiyya, taking advantage of the similarity in name and ignorance of Muslims about Mirza Qadiani and his Jamaat, managed to get many converts to their ranks. They have been following the style of Christian Missionaries and using their unlimited resources, they offer financial incentives, they open schools, clinics, community centers etc., and through these gain converts. As many parts of Africa had been under colonial rule of various European Imperialist powers, and Ahmadiyya being their henchmen, they had received a lot of support from the colonial masters, and after their departure, their loyalists who were handed over the charge of the government.

Gambia has been one such country. In 1965, the British Imperialists were forced to grant the country of Gambia its independence. They abdicated rule in favor of one of their faithful supporters, Mr. Farman Sangat, whom they appointed to the position of Governor of that nation. Mr. Sangat was a known Qadiani, who one year earlier had traveled to Rabwah, Pakistan, and given his oath of allegiance (bai'at) to Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood, the second head of the Qadiani Movement. During the British rule, the Qadiani headquarters in Gambia had continually preached that obedience to the British Empire was an article of faith for every Muslim!

AlHamdolilah by the Grace of Allah, reawakening of Islam is taking place all over and the fraud of Ahmadiyyat/Qadianiyat is being exposed for what it is. and The Gambia is not staying behind. The President of the nation of Gambia, Mr. Yahya AbuBakr, has officially declared the country's Qadiani community a non-Muslim minority, after Qadiani scholars were outclassed by Muslim scholars in the Courts and other fora.

Following is the translation of statement of The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council.

Translated from the original in Arabic

Bismillah Al-Rehman Al-Raheem

Wa'tasimu_ bi hablilla_hi jami'aw wa la_ tafarraqu (3.103)

The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council
Banjul, The Gambia
Date: 21/4/2001

Circular of The Supreme Council about the Islamic Stand
regarding Ahmadiyya/Qadianiyah Movement

Beware of the dangerous claims bragged openly by the Ahmadis Qadianis, which destroy the very foundation of Islamic Beliefs, with their superficial proofs spread through their publications and announcements through broadcasting and television. These Islamic beliefs are the corner stone of the belief of Muslims. For the sake of peaceful co-existence of all the people of The Gambia, for its security and stability, the Gambian Supreme Council has decide to caution the Muslims about the following:


Bismillah Al-Rehman Al-Raheem

The Original Arabic Image of the Statement Issued by
The Gambia Supreme Islamic Council

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