Ahmadiyya Awareness Campaign
9th July 1997
Praise be to Allah, One and Only. His Love and Blessings
may shower on Muhammad
whom there is no prophet and upon His Pious Family and Respected Companions
Ahmadiyya in Indonesia
by Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
Dear Brothers/Sisters in Islam
Assalamo alaikum. In the following section I am forwarding some of the
correspondence that I had recently with a brother from Indonesia, with
his permission of course. It is very sad that in the present world of Global
Islamic Revival, there are still areas where Muslims are getting trapped
by Qadiani/Ahmadiyya Movement out of sheer ignorance. This is not just
ignorance from Islam, rather it is their unawareness from the man himself,
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, and his decietful doctrine in the name of Islam. The
problem is compounded due to delibrate efforts by the Ahmadiyya Movement
to portray themselves as Sunni Muslim keeping Mirza Ghulam well into the
background. Outside of Indo-Pak subcontinent, very few people are aware
of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani or Ahmadiyya Movement, its position in relation
to Islam and the stand of Muslim Ummah/Scholars towards them. Ahmadiyya
Movement takes advantage of this situation and under the garb of Sunni
Muslims, they are actively engaged in trapping unsuspecting Muslims in
remote areas. They use various tactics, one of which is highlighted in
this case. It is hightime that Muslims should rise to this situation and
fight this evil to the best of thier capabilities.
First Letter from Indonesia:
Subject: Ahmadiyya in Indonesia
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 18:23:10 +0700
From: "yesaya" <>
To: <>
Assalamoalaikum wa Rehmatullah wa Barakatohu.
Dear Dr. Syed Rashid Ali,
I would like to know about your opinion if one of the male Moslem wants
to marry an Ahmadiyya lady to be his wife.
We believe that the Holy Prophet Mohammed SAAW is the last prophet, and
we would say
"AshHadu an la ilaha illa-Llah, wa ashhadu anna
Muhammadan Rasoolu-Llah"
Now, the situation when my friend is going to proposed marry, the 4 days
before wedding day, he must say that :
"AshHadu an la ilaha illa-Llah, wa ashhadu anna
I could not believe that and what we did, we said to our friend that he
must cancelled that ceremony.
So, we would like to ask you several questions according to that situation
above :
1. Is that a sin to marry a lady that she knew about Qur'an and had different
"shahadah" ?
2. Could my friend marry her, if she testified that Muhammad is the Rasoolu-Llah
Thank you for your attention and We look forward to hear from you soon.
Yesaya Waterkamp
Jakarta, Indonesia
Second Letter from Indonesia:
Subject: Further development
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 1997 18:07:11 +0700
From: yesaya <>
Assalamoalaikum wa Rehmatullah wa Barakatohu.
Dear br Rasheed,
According to the confession of my friend . . . First, he recited the
KALIMA with MUHAMMADAN RASULLAH and the Preacher at that time (he don't
know his name) said to him that RECITING THIS KALIMA IS REALLY IMPORTANT
my friend to follow him to recite the second KALIMA where the name of MIRZA
After that, the Preacher said to my friend that right now he is a member
of ahmadiyya because he was testified with that second KALIMA or in another
word is called a BAI'AT. The girl's family came out from their room and
shaken-hands to my friend to congratulate him, hugged him and kissed him.
The girl and her family were smiled to him, and they took him to their
chairman of ahmadiyya in Indonesia (he looks like a Pakistan or India)
and the other leaders of ahmadiyya. My friend told us that the chairman
talked with him in english and there was a guy who helped him to translate
in Indonesian Language. After that, someone asked his full name and the
guy wrote his name and he must signed in the form. That form only mentioned
about his name, member nbr. , branch of Ahmadiyya and location, date and
time and his sign. (that was my friend told to me). That was on Tuesday
, June 3rd 1997.
Every Thursday night, we will read QUR'AN and listen the sermon and
ask certain question that is related between our real life and the Holy
Qur'an. That was on June 5th 1997. Now, my friend HERU CAHYONO,BA asked
to the TEACHER what is the meaning of MIRZA GHULAM, and the teacher asked
to him why and look at him sharply. For short, he explained what would
happened to him on Tuesday. The teacher was angry to him and said that
he was already apostate. there is no 26th Rasullah and bla bla bla ......
another sermon special for him. So, the conclusion that he must cancelled
the wedding on sunday June 8th, 1997. The teacher also said to him for
June 6th, 1997 he brings all books of ahmadiyya for us and we read those
books, have arguments,etc. We think that all Informations are not enough,
so I try to find some informations accross the Internet, then I found your
Right now I have several books, leaflet, etc as follows :
Leaflet Ahmadiyya ......... Title in Indonesia : JEMAAT AHMADIYAH (2 page)
Contains : - The Founder of Ahmadiyya (with picture ) - Hazrat MIRZA TAHIR
AHMAD (with Picture) - Introduction of Ahmadiyya - Address of Ahmadiyya
( I think this the Headquarter Ahmadiyya in Indonesia) - Ahmadiyya Broadcast
(MTA International using INTELSAT Satelite) ( with 8 Languages in 8 Country
include Indonesia) - Picture of "NASR" Mosque (Centre of activities in
Explanation Letter from Ahmadiyyah to Islamic Research and Education Foundation
Indonesia. Islamic Research and Education Foundation or LPPI accused Ahmadiyya
that : - Embarrassment of Islam and the Holy Qur'an and Prohibition in
Indonesia. - Accusing to Ahmadiyya about their own Prophet, own Holy Book
(TAKHZIRAH) and their own place for Hajj (RABWAH and QADIAN). The title
in Indonesia is PENJELASAN JEMAAT AHMADIYYA INDONESIA Explanation of Ahmadiyya
terhadap keberatan-keberatan dari pihak (accused) LEMBAGA PENELITIAN DAN
PENGKAJIAN ISLAM (LPPI) Islamic Research & Educ. F. (Sept 27, 1994
with 12 Pages).
and was written in 1996. Contains : 1. JESUS (pbuh) 2. Door of Prophecies
HAPPY NEWS BY H. MAHMUD AHMAD CHEEMA M.A This book has 107 pages and was
written in 1996. Contains : A good news about the New Mesiah / Promised
Mesiah is already here. Between number 3 and 4, some parts of them were
already mentioned in your Website about JESUS pbuh.
I bought two books : - "EX MUBALIGH AHMADIYYA was Challenge their World
Leader for MUBAHILA" - "Why I quit from AHMADIYYA " and those books was
written by AHMAD HARIADI ex Mubaligh of AHMADIYYA.
After all, I would like to Inform you that I will send those Leaflets,
Books and everythings that I have to you as soon as possible.
Now, The situation is getting hot, after my friend break the engagement
with the girl, (I don't know if this break is forever or just for a while)
and then my friend's family will have a meeting on this coming sunday Jun
11th, 1997. His family want me to attend that meeting and also they want
me to show the first letter from you. I don't know what is going on but
they already invite me to that meeting, so I will be there. After that
meeting I will send you a letter again.
Yesaya HB Waterkamp
====================Following is my reply to Brother Yesaya===============
yesaya wrote:
> Assalamoalaikum wa Rehmatullah wa Barakatohu.
Dear Br Yesaya
Wa alaikum assalam wa rehmatullah was barakatohu
Thankyou for enquiring a very important issue. The short answer to your
questions are: Yes it is a sin to marry a qadiani/ahmadi girl. For such
a girl, reciting the Kalima of Muslims is not enough, she must also say
and believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is not a prophet and is an apostate
and Kafir.
First of all let me make it clear that usually Qadianis/Ahmadiyya is
not openly asking anyone to recite such a Kalima where the name of Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad is recited. If they have asked your friend to do it, and if
it is in writing somewhere even if it is in Indonesian language, please
post a copy of it to me at my address: PO BOx 11560, Dibba alFujairah,
United Arab Emirates.
Now coming to the real issue. Qadianis/Ahmadiyya Movement and its founder
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his followers are declared APOSTATE, KAFIR, DISBELIEVERS
and OUT OF THE FOLD OF ISLAM by all Muslim scholars of all the Muslim countires.
What does Mirza Ghulam Ahmad think about Muslims:
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad declared:
"Except for the CHILDREN OF PROSTITUTE, whose hearts have been sealed by
God, everyone else believes in me and has accepted me.” " (Aina-e-Kamalat-e-Islam,
Roohani Khazain vol.5 p.547)
"God has revealed to me that anyone to whom my message has reached and
he has not accepted me , he is not a muslim.”" (Letter
of Mirza to Dr. Abdul Hakeem Khan Patialvi)
"I have God’s inspiration that 'he who does not follow you and will not
enter your Ba’ith and remain your opponent, he is disobedient of God and
His Prophet, Hellish.' " (Advertisement in M’ayaar-ul-Akhyar
by Mirza Ghulam p.8)
"Thus remember as God has informed me, it is forbidden and absolutely forbidden
to pray behind any disbeliever and hesitant; but is should be that your
imam should be one of you." (Arba’een No 3, Roohani Khazain
vol.17 p.417 footnote)
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's son says: "Our prayers are separate from Non-ahmadis,
it is forbidden to give our girls to them, we are stopped to offer their
funeral prayers. Now what is left that we can participate with them? There
are only two kinds of relations - religious and worldly. For religious
relations, it is the gathering for prayers and for worldly relations, it
is the marriage and both are forbidden for us." (Mirza
Basheer Ahmad s/o Mirza Ghulam, Kalimat alFasl p.169)
Thus as far as Qadianis/ahmadis are concerned, we
OF ISLAM, etc. etc.
What does Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claim:
He claims that he is a prophet and he is the second advent of Holy Prophet
Muhammad SAAW. He claims that he is superior to Holy Prophet SAAW. He claimed
that he is Eisa ibne Maryam etc. etc.
It should be remembered that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had gradually evolved
his claims, starting in the begining with being a servant of Islam, progressing
through a stage of being a Rejuvenator (Mujaddid) of Islam, Maseel Maseeh
(resembling Messiah) to Promised Messiah and finally reaching the stage
when he started claiming full-fledged prophethood. During these evolutions
he had been vehemently denying the progression to next stage of his evolution.
For example, when he claimed that he was a Maseel Maseeh, Muslim scholars
accused him that he is preparing the ground for laying the claim to Messiahship.
He denied this vehemently:
"This humble self has claimed that I am Maseel MOwood which stupid people
has thought that it is Promised Messiah....I have never claimed that I
am Messiah ibne Maryam. He who accuses me of such a thing is an absolute
liarr and fabricator. Rather it has consistently been publicised from me
for the last 7-8 years that I am Maseel Maseeh, that is, God has also put
in my nature certain Spiritual qualities, nature and manners of Hazrat
Eisa pbuh." (Izala-e-Auham, Roohani Khazain vol 3 p. 192)
However after sometime, in another place he said:
"I claim that I am the Promised Messiah about whom all the Divine scriptures
have prophecised that he will come in the end." (Tohfa-e-Golravia,
Roohani Khazain vol 22 p.295)
When he was asked how he became Son of Mary, because Hadith of Holy Prophet
SAAW categorically mentions the coming of Eisa ibne Maryam, he came up
with this fantastic explanation:
"He (God) named me Maryam in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya part 3; then as is evident
from Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya, I developed with the qualities of Maryam for
two years and Maryam, the soul of Eisa (Jesus) was blown into
me and, symbolically, I became pregnant and after several months, which
were not more than 10 months, through an inspiration mentioned in Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya
part 4, I was converted from Maryam to Eisa. Thus this is how I became
Ibne Maryam." (Kishtee-e-Noah, Roohani Khazain vol 19
Similarly in the begining he expressed his beliefs on the Finality of Prophethood
and considered any such person who claims to be prophet as out of the fold
of Islam. However Muslim scholars understood the drift of his writings
and accused him that he is paving the way for claiming prophethood. He
thus annoounced:
"I believe on all those things which are part of Islamic faith and as is
the belief of Ahle Sunnah wal jamaat, I accept all those things which are
testified by Quran and Hadith and after Syedna and Maulana Muhammad Mustafa
SAAW, Khatamul Mursaleen, consider any claimant of prophethood and messengership
as LIAR and KAAFIR." (Announcement dated 2nd October 1891,
Collection of Advertisements)
However he kept saying things which were clearly indicating his future
intentions and preparing his followers mentally to accept his claim of
prophethood. He kept giving mind boggling explanations (the examples of
such writings have already been given by the Ahmadi who has posted the
article) to make room for his prophethood. Finally when he thought that
the time was ripe, he laid the claim.
Mirza Declares Islam a Dead/Accursed/Satanic Religion:
"We believe that a religion which does not have the continuity of Prophethood
(as in Islam) is a dead religion. We call the religions of the Jews, the
Christians and the Hindus dead only because now there are no prophets in
them. If this were the position in Islam too, we would be no more than
mere story-tellers. Why do we regard it superior to other religions? It
must have some distinction". (Malfoozat-e-Mirza, Vol.
10, page 127)
"That religion is no religion and that prophet is no prophet by following
whom a man does not come so close to God as to be honoured with divine
conversation. That religion is accursed and contemptible which teaches
that human progress depends only on a few narrated anecdotes (i.e. stories
in Holy Quran and the Shari'at-e-Muhammadia which is narrated from the
Holy Prophet pbuh - Compiler)and that the 'WAHI' has lagged behind instead
of going ahead......hence such a religion deserves to be called satanic
rather than divine religion." (Zamima-e-Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya,
Part V, Roohani Khazain, Vol. 21, p. 306)
"How absurd and false it is to believe that after the Holy Prophet (pbuh)
the door of the divine 'wahi' has been closed for ever and there is no
hope of it in the future till the Day of Resurrection - just worship the
stories. Can a religion having no direct trace of Almighty Allah be called
a religion? . . . . . I say, by Almighty God, that in this age there is
no one more fed up than myself with such a religion. I name such a religion
as Satanic religion and not Rehmani (divine) and I believe that such religion
guides towards Hell and keeps one blind in life and till death." (Zamima-e-Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya,
Part V, page 183; Roohani Khazain, Vol. 21, p. 354)
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad declared himself to be a prophet:
"True God is the God who has sent his Messenger in Qadian." (Dafe
alBalaa, Roohani Khazain vol 18 p.231)
Mirza Ghulam steals the title of Last Prophet:
"Dead are those who did not accept one Holy Messenger. Blessed is the one
who had recognised me. Of all the paths to God I am the Last Path, and
of all his Lights, I am the last Light. Unfortunate is he who forsakes
me, because without me all is darkness". (Kashti-e-Nooh,
Roohani Khazain, vol.19, p.61)
Mirza Ghulam claims to be Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW:
"When I am the Holy Prophet re-incarnate and when all the accomplishments
of Muhammad including the prophethood are reflected in my mirror of my
shadiness, then who is the man who has claimed prophethood in a seperate
being ?" (Ek Ghalti Ka Izala, p.8; Roohani Khazain, vol.18,p.212)
"In the revelation of [Muhammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena ma'ahum..] I
am labelled as Muhammadur Rasoolullah and God has addressed me as Muhammadur
Rasoolullah." (Roohani Khazain vol 18 p.207)
"He who differentiates between me and Mustafa, has not seen me and not
recognized me." (Roohani Khazain vol. 16 p.259)
"God has named me repeatedly NabiAllah and Rasoolullah. As an image my
self is not in between but it is Muhammadur Rasoolullah. Thus Prophethood
and Messengership did not go anywhere. Muhammad's possession remain with
Muhammad." (Roohani Khazain vol 18 p.216)
Mirza claims superiority over Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW:
"The truth is that the spirituality of the (reincarnated) Holy Prophet
at the end of the 6th millennium (i.e. these days in the form of Mirza),
is much more stronger, more complete and forceful than in those early years,
rather it is like the 14th (moonlit) night". (Khutbah-e-Ilhamiyah, Roohani
Khazain, vol.16, pp. 271-272)
"The spirituality of our holy Prophet (SAW) was conceived in 5th thousand
(ie Makki birth) with its precise attributes and that period was not the
the climax of his spirituality's development. It was rather the first step
to the highest pinnacle of its perfection. Thereafter this spirituality
manifested itself in its full glamour during the 6th thousand (his rebirth
in Qadian) at the present time". (Mirza in Khutba-e-llhamiyah, Roohani
Khazain, Vol.16, p.266)
"The mental development of the promised Messiah (i.e. the Mirza of Qadian)
was higher than that of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). And this is only a part
of the superiority which the Promised Messiah has over the Holy Prophet.
The mental faculties of the Holy Prophet could not manifest fully owing
to the deficiency of civilization; although the ability existed. They have
now manifested themselves fully through the Promised Masih by virtue of
the advancement of civilization." (Review of Religions, May 1929, as cited
in Qadiani Mazhab, p.266, ninth edition. Lahore)
Open Haqeeqatul Wahi in volume 22 of Roohani Khazain and you will find
that from pages 77 to 111 Mirza Ghulam has mentioned samples of his revelations/inspirations,
mostly in Arabic. Reader who have read Holy Quran will immediately recognize
the extent of whole sale plagiarization of Holy Quran by Mirza Ghulam.
In between there are those verses which were revealed to glorify Holy Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) and some which were used for Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). Only
Few examples will be mentioned here.
For example: Allah sends His Wahi to Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) glorifying
Him and His Companions in Holy Quran:
"'Mohammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena m'ahoo, ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao
bainahum' Mohammad, Rasoolu Llah, and those who are with him (i.e. His
Companions)....." (Al-Quran 48:29)
But Mirza's WAHI informs him: "'Mohammadur Rasoolullah wal lazeena m'ahoo,
ashiddao 'ala alkuffare rohamao bainahum' in this revelation God has named
me Mohammed and Messenger as well." (Roohani Khazain vol 18 p.207)
Other Verses of Holy Quran, ALLEGEDLY REVEALED AGAIN to glorify Mirza Ghulam.
Mirza claims: "'Howa allzi arsala rasoolahu bil huda' He (Allah) is the
one who has sent His Messenger with guidance...." (al-Quran 9:33)
"'Subhan allazi asra be 'abdehee ....' Glorified be He (Allah) who took
His Servant on the Journey by Night from Masjid alHaram to Masjid alAqsa...'"
(al-Quran 17:1)
"'qul in kuntum tuhibboonal Llaha fa al-tabe'oonee...' Say (O Muhammad!)
If you really love Allah, then follow me..." (al-Quran 3:31)
"'Inna fatahna laka fathun mubeena...' Verily! We have given You (O Muhammad)
a menifest victory...." (al-Quran 48:1-2)
"'Ya Seen wa alQuran alHakeem. Innaka la minal mursaleen....' Yaseen! By
the Quran, full of wisdom. Truly You (O Muhammad) are one of the Messengers...."
(al-Quran 36:1-3)
"'Inna a'atainaaka alKauser...' Verily! We have granted you (O Muhammad!)
a river in Paradise..." (al-Quran 108:1)
"'wa Maa arsalnaaka illa Rehmatal Lil 'alameen' And We have not sent you
(O Muhammad!) save as a Mercy for All the Worlds." (al-Quran 21:107)
Mirza claims to have ALL the virtues of ALL Prophets:
"In this age God wanted that all those Righteous Prophets who have passed
away, all their virtues should be expressed in one person, so I am that
person." (Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya part 5, Roohani khazain vol 21 p.117-118)
"Because of my arrival every prophet has come alive; Every Messenger is
hidden in my garment." (Poetry of Mirza Ghulam, Dur Sameen p.125)
"I am Adam, I am Noah, I am Abraham, I am Isaac, I am Jacob, I am Ishmael,
I am Moses, I am Eisa son of Mary, I am Muhammad..." (Roohani Khazain vol
22 p.521)
Mirza Praises Peotry:
Following stanza was selected for wall hanging by Mirza from a poetry
written and recited by one of his follower in front and printed in his
lifetime in his newspaper:
"Muhammad has again descended among us
and is superior in glory than before
Whoever wants to see Muhammad in perfection
should see Ghulam Ahmad in Qadian."
(Newspaper Paighamus Sulh, Lahore dated 14th March 1916)
Mirza Ghulam's relationship with God:
"You are from me like my son." (Roohani Khazain vol 22 p.89)
"On one occassion Hazrat Maseeh Mowood expressed his condition like this
that his condition during revelation is such as if he is a woman and God
has expressed his power of virility in him. For wise men, this tip is enough
to understand." (Statement of Qazi Yar Mohammed Qadiani, Tract 34, Islami
AND FINALLY............
The Basis for Mirza Ghulam's claims:
"The basis for our claims is not Hadith but Quran and that Wahi which comes
to me. Yes, in support we also present those Hadith which are according
to Quran and DO NOT CONTRADICT MY WAHI. Rest of the Hadith, I THROW THEM
AWAY LIKE A WASTE PAPER."(Roohani Khazain vol.19 p.140)
There are plenty of material but this should suffice. Now it is for anyone
to decide the position of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
However the above claims of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad led to the believe that
he is second advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW and therefore when qadianis/ahmadis
recite the Muslim Kalima it include Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and when they recite
Salaat and salaam on Holy Prophet Muhammad SAAW, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is
included in it.
Kalima in Ahmadiyyat:
"With the coming of Promised Messiah one difference (in the meaning of
Kalima) has occured and that is that before the advent of Promised Messiah,
in the meaning of 'Mohammad ur Rasoolullah' only Prophets of bygone days
were included, BUT with the advent of Promised Messiah, ONE MORE PROPHET
in Islam it is still the same Kalima, the only difference is that the advent
of Promised Messiah has added one more propet to its meaning...we don't
need a new Kalima, because Promised Messiah is nothing seperate from Holy
Prophet, as he says: 'saara wujoodi wujoodahoo (my person became his person)'
and 'he who differentiates between me and Mustafa has not seen me and not
recognises me'.....thus Promised Messiah is Mohammad Rasoolullah himself
who has come again in tis world to spread Islam, therefore we do not need
any new Kalima. Yes if someone else had come then we may have required
it --- thus think all of you." (KalimatAlFasl p.158 by Mirza Basheer
"As a result of the birth of the Promised Messiah (the Qadiani Mirza) a
difference has cropped up (in the meaning of the Kalimah). Before the birth
of the Promised Messiah (the Qadiani Mirza) in the world as a prophet,
the words Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah) included in their meaning only such
prophets as had preceded him; but after the incarnation of the Promised
Messiah (the Qadiani Mirza) in the world as a prophet, one more prophet
has been added to the meaning of Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah. Therefore on
account of the incarnation of the Promised Messiah the Kalimah, God forbid,
does not become abolished; it rather shines more brightly. In short, the
same Kalima is (effective) even now for embracing Islam, with the only
difference that the incarnation of the Promised Messiah (Mirza Qadiani)
has added one more prophet to the meaning of Muhammadur Rasool Llah". (Kalimatul
Fasl, page 158, by Mirza Bashir Ahmad Qadiani)
"Moreover, even if we accept by supposing the impossible that the sacred
name of the Gracious Prophet (pbuh) has been included in the sacred Kalimah
because He is the Last of the Prophets, even then there is no harm and
we do not need a new Kalima because the Promised Messiah is not a separate
entity from the gracious Prophet as he (Mirza) himself says: "My being
is exactly the being of Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah". Also, "One who discriminates
between me and Mustafa has neither recognized me nor seen me". And the
reason for this is Allah Almighty's promise that He would reincarnate "Khatam
un Nabieen" in this world once more as a prophet as is evident from the
verse "And others of them... Thus the Promised Messiah (Mirza of Qadian)
is himself Muhammadur Rasoolu Llah, who has been incarnated in the world
again to spread Islam. We do not, therefore, need any new Kalima. Albeit,
a new Kalima would have been necessary, if some other person had been reincarnated
instead of Muhammadur Rasool Llah. So contemplate!" (Kalimatul Fasl,
page 158)
Salaat and Salaam on Mirza Ghulam Ahmad:
"Thus according to the verse (of Quran) 'O people of the faith! Send your
Salat on Him and salute Him with the Salutatuion (33:56) and according
to those Hadiths in which there are instructions to send Durood on Holy
Prophet pbuh, sending Durood on Hazrat Maseeh Mowood is just as neccesary
as it is on the Holy Prophet pbuh." (Risala Durood Shareef by Mohd Ismael
Qadiani p.136)
"You will be given (a big party of) Ashab Suffa and what do you know how
grand are the Ashab Suffa; you will see tears running down their eyes and
they will send Durood on you."(Arba'een No.2, Roohani Khazain vol.17
"God praises you from the Arsh (Throne). We Praise you and send Durood
on you." (Arba'een No.2 Roohani Khazain vol.17 p.414)
"According to the traditions in Islam and Hadith, it is neccesary to clearly
include His (Holy Prophet pbuh) Family in Durood; Similarly albeit more
importantly it is neccesary to clearly send Durood on Maseeh Mowood and
not to be contended with that General Durood which reaches him (Mirza)
as well when one sends Durood on Holy Prophet pbuh. Thus Hazrat Maseeh
Mowood says:
'One of the objections of the ignorants is also this that the followers
of this man (Mirza) apply on him the words ['alaihe assalato wa assalam]
and to say this is HARAM. The answer to this is that I am the Pormised
Messiah, and leave aside the saying of Salaat and Salaam, Holy Prophet
Himself said that he who finds him, convey His salaam to him; and in all
Hadiths at hundreds of places Salaat-o-salaam is mentioned for the Promised
Messiah. When such words about me are said by The Prophet, Sahaba has said,
rather God has said, then how can it be Haram for my Jama'at to say such
words for me." (Risala Durood Shareef, Arba'een No.2 Roohani Khazain
vol.17 p.349)
Question of Marriage with a qadiani/ahmadiyya girl:
Dear Brother! After all this, the position is clear for your friend
to decide what should be done. Even when a Qadiani/Ahmadiyya girl testifies
that La ilaha illa Allah Muhammadur Rasoolullah, you never know what is
in her heart and as I have shown above that as long as they consider Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad a replica of Holy Prophet Muhammad
they do not have to recite a seperate Kalima. It is not allowed to marry
an Ahmadiyya girl unless she denounce Ahmadiyyat and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
Usually these girls marry Muslim men and gradually take them away from
Islam and make them Qadiani/Ahmadi. It is considered a sacred duty for
them for which they will get reward in life hereafer.
I hope this 'long sermon' would not have bored you or your friend. Kindly
keep me informed about further developments and do not hesitate to ask
any further questions or information.
Yours truly in Islam
==========================================end of reply==============
I have the email address of Br Yesaya should anyone wishes to contact
Wassalamo alaikum
Dr. Syed Rashid Ali
PO Box 11560 Dibba al-Fujairah, UAE
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